Sunday, January 06, 2008

What value Studs Turkel?

From Laesch's website,
My name is Studs Terkel and I have opinions.

I’m not afraid to express them.
And my opinion this time is easy to express.

I’m for John Laesch.

And if he wins, and I’m sure he will, I, as well as all of you, will be all the richer, in life, that’s what I mean.

We’ll be all the better off; all the safer, and all the saner, and he’ll represent that which is best in our society…

We know right now the big corporations run this country, working men and women know this, it is time for change.

I’m for John Laesch.
Consider this a companion post to What value Hastert?

I like Studs, especially when he avoids today's politics, and instead talks about people.

Someday I'd like to make a living sitting around joints and gin mills in Chicago listening to people's stories.

My kids and nephews are excited by Obama. They don't know Studs. They don't like cigars or martinis either. So I'm not sure how far this endorsement goes.

I did do my Saturday AM drive around Elgin after a hair cut. Gifford Park homes sported Laesch and Lauzen signs (a few Paulistas too) but nothing for Oberweis or Foster.

It looks like a Huckabee style revolt in both parties to me.

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