Tuesday, January 08, 2008

One Million Strong: Chicago as the Center of Democratic Party Politics?

Oh geez,
I have to say that I'm more fascinated by the potential swing of political influence to the city of Chicago. After decades of being dominated by Massachusetts, California, and New York, Chicago may end up the epicenter of Democratic Party politics. Why?

With a President Obama, Dick Durbin, who is currently majority whip and a close personal friend and adviser to Obama, would likely have a good shot at succeeding Harry Reid as Senate Majority leader.

And in the House? Rahm Emanuel is waiting in the wings to become speaker --- this one I have a little more trouble with, not entirely sure that sharp-tongued, even sharper-elbowed Emanuel fits such a public role, but there's no question that a large number of representatives feel they owe their seats to him.

In other words, Illinois might end up in control of two of the three branches of the federal government, as well as, who knows, perhaps a winning bid for the Olympics in 2016. A fairly remarkable geographic shift in power, if it were to materialize.
The rest here.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    and the Cubs will soon with the World Series, Ken Williams will be replaced by a REAL GM and Rex Grossman's arm will fall off. Oh, yeah - the Hawks will lift the Cup too!

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    This makes me almost want to root for Hillary. And don't forget the millions more Daley will have to dole out to family and friends.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    If Obama is the Prez, no indictments for Daley and Fitzgerald can go to NY
