Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Lauzen negative mailer on Oberweis

Have to look real hard for the Paid by Lauzen For Congress.

If you can't knock your opponent, what good is politics? Politics after all, is how civilized people bicker.

The humor helps. We can't take many more similing Hasterts and Oberweises in our mail box.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Sometimes the truth hurts.

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Bill, nice try at spin, but this was not a Lauzen attempt at attempt at humor. It's a hypocritical negative first strike.

    I thought it was a Gateway computer brochure, and almost threw it away.

    What's most humorous is that Lauzen is guilty of most of the things the brochure accuses Oberweis of--especially "he loves to run for office" when Chris has run in 1992, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004, etc. Now that I think of it, it makes Chris look much more like a career politician.

  3. I was at the League of Women voters debate tonight. This should be on YouTube on the City of Geneva website so I'll hunt for the link tomorrow.

    I noted Lauzen, Oberweis, and Laesch all mentioning they agreed on this or that point. So maybe negativity isn't the way to go.

    Oberweis talked on Iraq in a way worthy of McCain.

    If Foster tells me he's a Scientist and Business man again... geez...

    I sat next to a Democrat contemplaing how to vote against Oberweis... tried to explain the primary and special, and then the March 3rd special. She was strategizing it. It's gonna be a weird election.

    Complete post on it tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I don't mean to be cynical, but this mailer is friggin hilarious... Oberweis started the negative attacks on Lauzen almost everyday...just check out his website for god's sake, so this is not at all unexpected.

    The League of Women Voters was interesting last night. In addition to an incompetent moderator, I was impressed with Jotham Stein's ability to articulate himself quite well - I don't know that he has a chance, but he is very smart. I was astounded at how poor Foster did, on the other hand.

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Lauzen and Oberweis are both two good guys. Jim Oberweis wears the stigma of always being the bridesmaid rather than the bride. My concern with Oberweis is that he always insists as being the top of the pyramid rather than as one of the pyramids building blocks. Once he is elected to office, I fear that he will soon weary of the day to day grind of "being a public servant" and he will want to jump on to the next higher elected office to satisfy his ego. Lauzen has always been "a doer" rather than just "a talker". Chris Lauzen knows what "the daily grind" of being a public servant actually entails and he has always sacrificed his personal life to accomodate his constituency. That is very hard for me to overlook.

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Perhaps Lauzen is sending these deparate mailers out in hopes that the general public doesn't figure out what he is really like. However, diatribes like this won't help. For those who don't recall, it was in response to questions about using clout to get Rose Bowl tickets:

    (From Tribune Clout Street blog)

    “I should cancel it, and I’ll take that away from my family too,” Lauzen said.

    Lauzen said he did not use a connection to get the tickets, but did call the university president’s office to ask how to go through the process.
    “Sure, where else am I going to call?” Lauzen said.

    Lauzen said he made a mistake running for office 16 years ago, saying politics is a “crappy business” that has cost his family millions of dollars.

    “So I’ll, I don’t want any more trouble for me or my family,” Lauzen said. “This is really a horrible, horrible business. This is horrible.”

    I hope that Oberweis can relieve him of his burden and we will all be better off.

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Hey, anyone remember Lauzen making the promise of 8 years and out in his first election? Opps, guess that dind't work out that way. He railed against career pols. wow what a differnece 16 years makes.
    kinda a pathetic piece.

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Lauzen is only in it for the taxpayer funded salary, pension and, more importantly, the perks. So he got caught with the Rose Bowl tickets - what else has been sent his way in his 16 years gorging at the public trough?

  9. Anonymous4:28 PM


    Lauzen is nearly maxed out in his State senator pension due to his longevity in office. As of now, he will earn $42,900 upon retirement, which I believe you can achieve at age 55 with 20 years service. If he stays another 4 years, it will max out at 85% or $56,100 a year, unless the State Senate votes themselves another raise. The state senate pension, once drawn, gets a 3% raise each year.

    If he gets elected to Congress, he will be able to add a congressman's pension to that amount. Depending on length of service, it could add up to a retirement perk of over $80,000 a year on top of the $165,000 US congressional salary. The average retired US congressman is drawing somewhere around $40-50,000 pension.

    It's enough to make a crappy business seem worrthwhile.

    Of course, none of the candidates, with the probable exception of Laesch, look like they need the money.

  10. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Oberweis not able to deal with the "day to day grind", not a "doer" How do you think you can maintain a sucessful business let along businesses without being able to deal with the "day to day grind"? I have worked for someone and am now a business owner. There are days being an employee looks much more appealing. Running a business is a 24/7 deal. Jim Oberweis is certainly prepared to be our Congressman
