Thursday, January 03, 2008

Il-6th CD: Jagla v Morganthaler

Jagla on Iraq (I guess he's still on the ballot):
“No appropriations bill will reach the floor,

until the president agrees to end the war.”
And Colonel Morganthaler,
Our troops in Iraq are patriots and heroes. I know because I served with them. They deserve a responsible game plan to get out of Iraq and the benefits they earned when they get home. Endless tours of duty? Waiting lines at the VA? That's a slap in their face. They deserve better and I will fight to make sure they get it.
Save a few posts by Bridget and Hiram, the silence on this race deafening (Check Prairie State Blue).

Morganthaler takes on Roskam and starts triangulating on Iraq (seems to me as she already has. How is she different from Kirk or Lipinski above?), then Progressives have no one to blame but themselves because they've ditched the clear anti-war guy in the 6th.

They should layoff Lipinski and Kirk and just call it quits on Foreign Affairs.


  1. Jagla wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell in winng that seat in November. The 6th District can elect Jill Morganthaler, a moderate, but not a candidate in the the Dennis Kucinich mold like Stan Jagla.

  2. So if she wins, turn on her in two years as Bush-dog?

    Or maybe a McCain-dog by then...

    ...what the heck kind of logic is that?

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    it's simple bill,
    Pond scum is better than republican

    corrupt democrat is better than pond scum

    machine democrat is better than corrupt democrat

    bush dog democrat is better than machine democrat

    blue dog democrat is better than bush dog democrat

    Left of center democrat is better than blue dog democrat


    Progressive democrat is better than left of center democrat.

    But, winning and obtaining a democratic majority is the most important thing of all.

    So, Morganthaler is better than Roskam. Not as good as she could be, but we need a winner, and Jagla doesn't look like a winner. The best option would be for Cegelis to return, but it seems she's taken enough lickings.

    We'll take getting more progressive with Pera, Seals, and Halvorson. We'll deal with the less progressive Bean and Foster. At least they'll vote with us more often than not.

    Bean is running out of time though...

  4. Indeed...

    Fight a war for Liberal Values, Democracy, and the United States and Progressives peg you a few levels above the scum they loath.

    Jagla the honorable guy here.

    Pity Morganthaler and the Progressives she's with here...

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    That's right Bill. The monstrous new U.S. embassy building, private security forces, arms dealers and military bases are soooooo representative of "liberal values and democracy." It's no wonder most Iraqi citizens want us to leave.

    The good news is the opium poppy crop in Afghanistan will be huge again this year. How's that for furthering democratic values Bill.

    Let's invade Iran next. This is another country just hungering for our brand of democracy. Perhaps you could lead the charge.

  6. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I am told by a former co-worker of Morganthaler's at IEMA, that her word cannot be trusted. Was her very short tenure there just to ge her ready to run? Or to keep her from being unemployed since Argonne was ready to cut her loose.
    Or was it to boost Chalmness's "para-military" swagger with his disaster program?

  7. Anon 6:30,

    I just want to know if the Morgenthaler who runs is going to be the one who still believes,

    Figen shared with me what it was like to spend 7 months under Iraqi occupation. As she told me the horrors of living in Kuwait under the occupation, I realized that if we had not had the first war, Saddam may have been impossible to stop with the oil under his total control. The men who did terrible things to the Kuwaitis, especially the Kuwaiti women are very similar to the men we are fighting. As people get upset about Abu Ghraib, one thing that should never be forgotten: these are men who have murdered Americans and would continue to murder Americans if given the opportunity.

    I think Democrats in the 6th deserve to know.
