Thursday, January 03, 2008

CHA's Lost Voters: What Kind of Problem Is This?

Once upon a time, Chicago's enormous public housing complexes were cited as symbols of everything that was wrong with so-called Great Society liberalism. Crippled by high crime rates, rife with gang warfare and unemployment, public housing as implemented in the sixties and seventies had clearly failed by the 1990s. But the political will for real solutions to the problem wasn't there. And what alderman was willing to swallow the political poison of "mixed income housing, evenly distributed"?

The more cynical observers pointed out that the huge, high-density complexes like the Robert Taylor homes, Cabrini-Green/Marshall Field Gardens, Altgeld Gardens and the rest were too useful as "vote banks" for bossist politicians to ever break them up for a more humane and practical system of public housing. And the public housing residents, aware of their potential political power, were reasonably well organized as a voting bloc, paradoxically giving the political establishment another incentive to leave public housing as it was.

The federally pushed Plan for Transformation, of course, changed those calculi. Status quo no longer being an option, the great decentralization began.

Now, the Chicago Reporter tells us, those once politically active public housing members are dropping out of the political system. Given that there is a generally recognized need for public housing (and, in any case, it is a reality), this can be a cause for alarm: whenever political bosses make decisions FOR a constituency, rather than WITH them, you'll probably end up with something deformed.

How are public housing residents falling out of the political system? Let the Reporter tell you:

[N]early eight years after the Chicago Housing Authority embarked upon its $1.6 billion “Plan for Transformation,” public housing’s political base has been all but erased, according to a Reporter analysis of voter registration at nearly two dozen CHA family developments.

In November 2000, there were more than 22,000 people registered to vote in the developments analyzed by the Reporter. By September 2007, less than 37 percent---about 7,800---were still registered to vote in Cook County, compared with 57 percent of voters citywide, according to the Reporter’s analysis.

So, is breaking up the "vote banks" a good thing or a bad thing? Clearly, the Reporter story raises a good point: "public housing" has a constituency who, if not politically empowered, are highly at risk for abuse or exploitation. And yet, we surely cannot view the breaking up these de facto ghettos as bad because (somewhat) powerful voting blocs were eliminated. Particularly when you consider that decentralization of public housing appears to be the most reasonable solution to the ghettoization of public housing residents.

The problem the Reporter is pointing out seems to be that residents are not re-registering to vote when they move somewhere else (if indeed they were able to find housing elsewhere at all). But even if they had remained registered to vote, their semi-random dispersal across wards would have the same impact: lack of centralization in one political administrative unit (ward, in this case) would have erased their ability to influence politicians generally, and to cultivate legislative "champions" in particular.

The failure in this instance seems to be that the CHA's service providers have not done a good job of following up and making sure people are registered to vote when they move; but beyond registering people, the CHA cannot (and should not) take a role in politicizing residents. That is the work of organizers--but no matter how well organized they become, it is a fact that without physical centers, public housing residents can never hope to recapture whatever political power as a voting bloc they once had.

The Plan for Transformation, like Renaissance 2010, presents a challenge for the Left, because of the disconnect of the principles and their application. Public and affordable housing is a key element in allowing for the resurgence of a self-sufficient working class. Spreading public housing across different communities to normalize access to city services and other resources (like education) is certainly good. But the problems have arisen out of the implementation of this general idea. Transition services have flopped; building of new publicly owned units has been far outpaced by their destruction. Conditions for returning to public housing have been overly restrictive and have simply pushed people into vile tenement housing, often in neighborhoods similar to the ones they just left. One study found that the vast majority of public housing residents are ending up in neighborhoods just as segregated as the one they left.

Decentralization, in other words, has turned into decimation, and the unraveling of a once-significant political bloc will only turn decimation into obliteration.

But who wants to be the one to advocate for a policy of re-ghettoization? We may accept that public housing is good policy, and the Left does accept this, but if those who benefit directly from it are unable (or unwilling) to effectively defend it as a policy and an institution, how long does it have before it is also shredded by the thousand cuts of privatization?

Which is really to ask, how long before another affordable housing crisis rocks the city and seriously disrupts its race and class relations?

From the Reporter story:

“The influence of poor people has already diminished significantly compared with the ‘60s and … the interests of the middle class are much more catered to,” Fischer said. “The Plan for Transformation, with the elimination of these concentrated voters, probably made the situation even more that way.”


  1. Is there really a person out there that believes people "benefit direct from" public housing?

    Public housing was a curse on the poor and working class. "Affordable housing" is a similar botch. The sooner it is gone, the better.

    Good riddance to government meddling in the housing market.


  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Screw the damn vote banks. People died to vote, keeping people housed in a slum with a promise of a turkey or a garbage can for a vote is an abomination. If you cannot get your sorry ass out to register and vote, you deserve what you get (nothing) As an old white guy it is not my province to lecture blacks or anyone else, but show a picture of some black guy hanging from a tree because he tried to register, let alone vote, should be motivation enough. Take the vote, then the power, then you have a revolution.

  3. I think the point being made here is that when former or still-current public housing residents disperse throughout the city, they lose the majority they once held when they were concentrated within only a few wards. So there are fewer aldermen looking out for their interests in city council, at which point it doesn't really matter whether or not they all voted in the last election.

  4. The influence of poor people has already diminished significantly compared with the ‘60s and … the interests of the middle class are much more catered to...

    There is a point here, although keeping the poor housed in Bauhouses (akin to keeping the poor poor in my opinion) just to concentrate their votes not much of a solution.

    There is way too much talk among politicans about the middle class and it's time Liberals and Progressives got back to Humphry's Liberal Mantra,

    It was once said that the moral test of Government is how that Government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped...

    How society treats the middle class a lot less of a test than how we treat those classes at the dawn and twilght of life.

    I suspect the social conservatives and their concern about family and the pressures on it, a lot closer to HHH's sentiment, than some of the progressives focused on expanding benefits to the middle class e.g. SCHIP expansion.

  5. "there are fewer aldermen looking out for their interests in city council" the false impression that anyone in government gives a rat's behind about poor people.

    Take a look at the record of the people elected to represent the constituents of the housing projects, and tell how they were "looking out for their interests".


  6. I look at Preckwinkle's frequently.

  7. Since when do people have a "right" to be kept in a geographic 'voting' block? Why on God's earth would they want to be? Who is served - other than the political class?

    The entire post/article, while somewhat interesting, highlights some of the absurdities of the liberal mindset.

    This article as yet another example of using the "poor" or "disenfranchised" as a "voting block" rather actually attempting to solve the problems of the poor and disenfranchised.

    The article exposes the writer as someone pining for power instead of interested in actually assisting people to escape poverty.

    It's never about the Union man, the child, the under housed, or the poor. It is about political power for the sake of power, and the article as much as admits it.

  8. It's never about the Union man, the child, the under housed, or the poor. It is about political power for the sake of power, and the article as much as admits it.

    That's what's wrong with Liberalism these days. It's chucked principle for power.

    You have to win to get something done, but they've lost total confidence in their principles, and view and for Democrats at least, it's plain power... as you've neatly pointed out for us Bruno.

    It's not about building wealth for the poor; it's about using the poor.

  9. What absurd comments. Only a biased reading of this post could lead to a conclusion that "liberals" (I am not a liberal) are advocating for power for its sake by keeping vote banks.

    Quite explicitly, this post points out that the more reasonable solution to "ghettoized" public housing is encouraging mixed-income neighborhoods. Nowhere is there "pining" for "vote banks"--quite the opposite; how many different ways did you want the post to point out that public housing as conceived through the 90s was poor policy?

    Here in the real world, we can still recognize real problems. Sometimes we do so without giving forethought to how conservative ideologues will spin meaning.

    Public housing is a political institution, and it requires political support to survive. This post simply points out that dispersal of public housing, while good policy on the one hand, will on the other hand likely devolve the base of support for public housing itself. Therefore, if one supports public housing, one has to be aware that the political will to continue it could be threatened by the dissolution of political blocs that were supporting (or defending) it.

    Nonsense about "liberals" lionizing "the poor" are your own projections, based on some nebulous, stereotype of "liberals." Your effort to turn this into an "elitist liberal" argument is baldly dishonest and specious.

    How can encouraging public housing residents to organize themselves to advocate for public housing conceivably be viewed as "elitist" or in fact as anything but the most pure form of support for democracy and self-reliance? Because "a liberal" said it, and "the liberals" are elitist?

    In short:

    The breaking up of monolithic, ghettoized public housing is likely a step in the right direction for public housing, because it helps equalize access to city resources, among other things. However, that same breaking up could end up sapping the ability of public housing residents to advocate for themselves. Let's be aware of it. The end.

    That's the entire point of this post. Please save your milquetoast, cliche-based "arguments".
