Saturday, June 30, 2007

SEIU fighting for immigrant rights?

So what happened in Spring 2007? From SEIU's Spring 2006 News,
Illinois SEIU members proudly joined the massive march in Chicago March 10 to stand up for all immigrant families and workers. Locals 1 and 73, and the Hospital Accountability Project all carried SEIU banners in the seemingly endless four-lane-wide procession of activists who streamed into the city from noon through rush hour on on a beautiful spring Friday. When any group of workers is exploited, it hurts all workers and communities.
Things sure went quiet this Spring, and President Bush and Sen. Kennedy could have used another massive march in the streets. But SEIU's quiet on the now dead immigration bill. They weren't in a fighting mood I guess.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Maybe SEIU realized that the marches woke up alot of people to the problem of illegal immigration and those people once woken up didnt think amnesty was the answer. SECURE BORDERS LEGAL IMMIGRATION is the answer.

  2. Anonymous11:20 PM

    This is why unions have a bad name. Illegal means just that.... What rights...The only right they have is deportation. If you really want to push to help the "Illegals", then get the Illegals to file law suits against their employers for fair pay. The employer will not hire illegals and the problem goes away.

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    If SEIU really wanted to help undocumented workers, they would start by bargaining for GOOD contracts, not the crap, corporate driven agreements they promote.

    Look at the nursing home workers in California and Washington state. SEIU bigwigs made deals with the corporations that said they can't strike for 10 years!! Most union contracts are only for 3 years!

    It's ridiculous that workers should have to give up their right to demonstrate. The United Healthcare Workers under SEIU in California now want to break away from SEIU and join the AFL-CIO as their own union. I say more power to them!

    SEIU is only concerned with increasing the numbers of it's due paying members. They don't seem to understand that numbers without rights does not equal real power. While I support giving undocumented workers a doable path to citizenship, SEIU only cares about signing them up to get their dues and make them a number.
