Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Airport Earmark

via NewsMax re: Jackson's earmark for the Abraham Lincoln National Airport Commission,
Jackson’s earmark would take $231,000 from U.S. taxpayers for "Minority and Small Business Development and Procurement Opportunities.”

The House’s Republican Study Committee (RSC) said in a statement: "It seems rather curious than an airport that doesn’t yet exist would need to develop opportunities for minorities and small businesses.”
For consultants maybe, always need consultants to make plans and stuff.


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    THIS IS A WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY TO pay his supporters to work on this airportisnt built yet that isnt in his district and not even in the same county. This is a power play by JR. Just waste taxpayer money giving it to hangerons who cant get real jobs.

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Springfield's airport peaked around 30 years ago when Ozark Airlines flew out of here every half hour. The airport's budget was larger than it is today, and it flew more passengers. In 1978, had 315,000 boardings - about five times what we will have this year.

    Now after deregulation

    Springfield's taxpayers have pumped tens of millions of dollars in subsidies into the airports, (which should be regional airports) and what do we have to show for it? Zip.

    Jefferson City, the capital of Missouri, once competed with St. Louis and Columbia. But in 1979, the Department of Transportation and the FAA designated Columbia as the regional airport for Jefferson City.

    If subsidize an airport with our tax money, let's subsidize a successful one.

    But all you people that don't want to expand O'Hare are crazy. Airline only will fly to O'Hare. If we deregulated we would not have the traffic at O'Hare.

    Time to rethink Deregulation By

    Prof. Leland Milton Goldblatt was President of a Travel Company during the 70's and now is President Emeritus of Toe Academy and Georgian Trinity Southwestern. He is adjunct professor of Philosophy at the University

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    It is a shame that Jesse Jackson Jr has become such a shameless con artist and huckster.

    He had a lot of potential and could of done a lot of good.

  4. Anonymous2:01 PM

    This is just little Jr. wasting taxpayr dollars to give his supporters money so they dont have to get real jobs. the airport isnt built. might never be built. Is not in his district. Is in a differnt County. This is Jr being a typical Crook co. machine politican taking care of his supporters with jobs and money.
