Friday, June 08, 2007

Romney Picks on Patrick Fitzgerald

When I saw the first Republican Presidential Debate, I noted that Patrick Fitzgerald would be out, if Mitt Romney were elected president.

Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass noted the same thing in his Thursday column:
The famous varmint hunter, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, implied he’d pardon Libby and he personally attacked the special prosecutor, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald of Chicago, an attack that will win Romney points among the GOP power brokers in the Illinois Combine now under federal investigation.
There’s a bit more you read here, if you wish.

More every weekend at McHenry County Blog, of course.


  1. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Give Arnie Bryant credit where it's due: he has put together an impressive plan for a new Bellwood library which would make Bellwood the first library community in the state to have an electronic library system. Anchored by the new library he seeks to get built in and on Washington Ave. campus, which he wants to name it for either Sen. Obama or after Rev. Claude Porter,the Library ,will be attached electronically to the e-libraries which also will be attached electronically to all the libraries in Proviso,along with all the schools districts in Proviso,including the parochial schools,as well as Triton, Benedictine University,Dominican University,Concordia, and the University of Illinios and Grambling university. Each e-library will be equipped with a dozen multimedia desktop computers; the Bellwood library will offer computer tutoring classes in English and Spanish that teach the basics of using a mouse, creating an e-mail account, using word processing programs, and surfing the Internet.
    Mr. Bryant is a proof of true leadership,commintment and visionary thinking in our community.Kudos to Bryant and his supporters!

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Kass' sniffy column endorses the use of the courts to attack political opponents. I defy Kass to explain just what it is that Libby did that is illegal, (or what George Ryan did that was illegal).

    Fitzgerald is either on a political witchunt or one our most incompetent Federal Prosecutors. Gonzalez should have fired him when he could.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Romney lost a vote here I want fitzgerald in there keeping pols semi honest. Ryan used the sec of state office to make money and I think bush should pardon libby to but he did lie to a federal grand jury thats illegal. I hope fitzgerald gets blago soon.
    Just because you like someones politics doesnt mean you should ignore there law breaking.
