Saturday, June 09, 2007

Is the Ilegal Allien Crack Down Over in Carpentersville?

Carpentersville Trustees Judith Sigwalt and Paul Humpfer dropped their bid to pass a local ordinance cracking down on illegal aliens.

Well, the election is over. Ever seen a carp roil? At McHenry County Blog. Sunday learn of the Kane County Republican Dead Cat Tax Court.


  1. I'm not surprised.

    And its no surprise the "English-only" ordinance is not going to be passed; instead it'll be a "non-binding resolution" that will be meaningless.

    Congrats to all those who voted for these do-nothings. They've taken Carpentersville into the gutter.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    At 9:43 PM, CarpentersvilleActionNetwork said...
    I'm not surprised.

    And its no surprise the "English-only" ordinance is not going to be passed; instead it'll be a "non-binding resolution" that will be meaningless.

    Congrats to all those who voted for these do-nothings. They've taken Carpentersville into the gutter.

    Obviously CarpentersvilleActionNetwork is new to Carpentersville since they or whoever, thinks we are in the Gutter. I guess that did not live here in the 70's or 80's. Carpentersville has stepped up to the plate unlike some other soft spoken Yes men.
