Thursday, May 17, 2007

Schakowsky: Let your moonbat flag fly

My congresscritter, Jan Schakowsky, made a little splash in the news recently by joining three of her colleagues in living on a "food stamp budget" this week.

Lost in the story is the that her activist-husband, Robert Creamer, ate on a similar budget while being incarcerated in a federal prison last year.

Her food stamp culinary adventure is mentioned on her political site, as well as her official congressional web site.

Earlier this month, Schakowsky was in the news when she agreed to sign on as a co-sponsor of fellow leftist Dennis Kucinich's resolution calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Nothing about the impeach-Cheney resolution can be found on either her House or political sites.

Why not, Jan? Does the self-proclaimed "Fighter for Families" not want her constituents know her moonbat beliefs?

Go for it, Jan, let your moonbat flag wave proudly. Show the people you represent in Congress your true self.

Kucinich isn't afraid to do it.

Related Marathon Pundit post: Leftist congresswoman wants to reinstate "Fairness Doctrine"

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