Thursday, May 17, 2007

Peace, Man

In the minutes of a meeting of the McHenry County College Board of Trustees meeting on April 23rd that has not yet been released to the public comes this eyebrow raising item:
"Dr. (Frances) Glosson asked about peace classes at the College and information was given that we incorporate peace in other curriculum."
What’s that all about?

Has the college been teaching war classes?

The MCC Board was discussing the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

More substantive stuff on McHenry County Blog.


  1. Hmmm, I wonder what it means to teach peace in the classroom. How can that concept be quantified? I'd feel better with the idea of teaching the philosophy of peace as opposed to just teaching a very abstract concept.

  2. I think R. Kelly should teach Peace. He is, after all, the modern incarnate of Martin Luther King Jr.
