Sunday, April 01, 2007

No more Ralph Metcalfs

I remember the Austin Tavern shakedowns well because I'd wander over to Doc Gandolf's General Store at Lake and Austin to preach old-leftism to the New Left Rising Up Angry crowd there. The Austin District commander was a guy with a long Greek name I can't remember now but I recall the Store's Doc Pelligrini telling me about getting threatened by him.

Here's Time magazine from 1972 talking about Congressman Ralph Metcalf's leadership responding to those scandals,
The police are under fire on still another front. A coalition of mostly black grass-roots organizations, led by Democratic Congressman Ralph Metcalfe, has been waging an all-out campaign to end what it considers excessive police brutality. Their complaints were reinforced by a report issued by the Chicago Law Enforcement Study Group that showed Chicago police were involved in fatal shootings at a rate that is three times higher than in New York, Los Angeles and Detroit. Also, during a day-long hearing, a dozen witnesses, eleven blacks and one white, testified. Some of them told of their traumatic experiences; one man testified that he lost an eye after being hit by a police baton. The officer had been exonerated by the police internal affairs department.

Metcalfe and his followers have demanded that Conlisk disband the elite police task force unit, which they blame for much of the police brutality in black and Latin American neighborhoods. The group also called for an increase in the number of blacks in policy making positions, the recruitment of more blacks and the across-the-board upgrading of blacks already on the force. To increase citizen control over police activities, the group has demanded that citizens' review boards be created for each of the city's 21 police districts.
It's utter silence from Illinois's elected progressives on today's scandal. No all out campaigns organized. Just Democrats and progressives dismissing violence as isolated abuse. Random series that don't say much to them.

Maybe that's what happens when a State gets so blue progressive leaders disown their responsibility. Unlike climate change and global warming, police abuse and police cover ups just some of those random things in Chicago's nature we must accept.


  1. Hey Bill,

    Authoritarian thugs do not know Left from Right.

    The total lack of progressive behavior from the Progressive is the sad legacy of FDR's centralization of power trumping individual rights.


  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    To defend Burge like Dan L and Pat Hickey is sick, violent, racist cover up.

    They are sick.

  3. Yes Percy Oliver,

    Brilliant and witty reposte:

    Here's an opinion from the man most familira with the total case from WBBM Channel 2:
    The heat is turning up once again in the long-simmering investigation of disgraced former Chicago Police Lieutenant Jon Burge.

    This time it’s over alleged conflict of interest charges against the special prosecutor in the police torture case. CBS 2’s Mike Parker has reaction from both sides in this exclusive report.

    “He’s just a guy who’s out to make as much money as he can at any cost,” said Special Prosecutor Edward J. Egan.

    The retired judge who helped oversee the report on police torture is bitter and angry at G. Flint Taylor Jr., the attorney who represents several alleged victims of police abuse.

    Hey, J. B,

    Now that Sam Zell owns the Chicago Tribune, maybe there will be some quality trickle down hill to the editorial board.

  4. Oh, Sorry Percy, here's the balance of the Special Prosecutor's opinion ( and mine BTW) on G.Flint Taylor, ambulance chaser to the thugs:

    “Mr. Taylor gets 75 percent of his income from suing policemen and municipalities,” Egan said. “I’ve described him as a legal huckster. His name is G. Flint Taylor and, in my opinion, the 'G' stands for ‘Gimme.’”

    And, says Egan, Taylor is driven by publicity.

    “The most dangerous position to be in in the justice system is between Flint Taylor and a television camera,” Egan said.

    Mea Culpa.

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Edward J Egan made 7 MILLION off the taxpayers and STILL COUNTING.
    The Federal Judge said his deposition of Daley was sycophantic and revealed nothing.
    If you qoute Egan, he also said that at LEAST FOUR (4) OFFICERS including BURGE should of been INDICTED and would of been CONVICTED by the reasonable doubt standard.

    So Egan thinks your police friends should be in jail.
    And a lot of people are making money off of the Burge thing including TJ Sheehan the son of the Sheriff and former State's Attorneys who took coerced confessions--no minority attorneys by the way--and other politically connected attorneys including EKL--who sues police and municipalities just as much as FLINT TAYLOR--also PATRICIA BOBB--whose partner LORNA PROPES gets the referrals from Fast Eddie Vrdolyak and sues the city and police including getting the 6 million for Ryan Harris case.
    So Hickey stop lying and being a hypocrite--your 19th ward political attorneys and friends and not just FLINT OR LOCKE are making the money. The Defense attorneys are RAPING the city.

    We realize that you are a cover up for the political thugs but try to use some facts

  6. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Egan's nephew worked for Burge and was on one of the cases he investigated.
    Egan's nephew gave testimony, not initially on the record, of what amounted to a character reference for Burge--THAT EGAN SAID COMMITTED AGGRAVATED BATTERY AND SHOULD OF BEEN CHARGED.

    All of Egans relatives are Chicago Police, and there are assumptions, conclusions, and issues here.
    THAT IS CALLED A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Even Hickey would not investigate his own nephew.

    Boyle's daugher is a judge from the 11th Ward Democratic Organization--Judge Mara Slattery Boyle and associate of a defendant in one of the cases Judge Lacy (read the report on him and how he couldn't remember anything) and Judge Laci's attorney is Patricia Bobb whose partner sues the police department and municipalities.
    Lacy is also an 11th Ward judge and a associate of airport exploiter Jeremiah Joyce.
    Boyle's son in law is convicted felon SLATTERY of Sorich, Slattery, Sullivan, McCarthy fame.
    It is called a conflict of interest.

    EGAN is a nice old political hack.
    BOYLE is not much better but not as old.
    It was a white wash and cover up--every University recognizes that.
    They made a LOT OF MONEY.
    They are both Irish.
    They both gave Daley a pass.
    BUT they STILL, because of the incredible overwhelming evidence that BURGE and his OFFICERS should be in JAIL.--but keep on lying Paddy--maybe someone stupid or racist will believe you

  7. Anonymous6:52 PM

    What about the Gerald Briemon sex abuse case? It is public and been on TV. Briemon is a Chicago Police Officer and a real piece of work.

  8. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Maybe Pat Hickey means Walker Percy.
    I loved the Moviegoer.

    Did anyone see the FX season premiere of the SHIELD. Now that is a cop.

  9. Walker Percy also discovered and edited the great novel
    'A Confederacy of Dunces' -like the clowns posting above - must be some outstanding manner of slime.

  10. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Where is Dorothy "the Hat" Tillman on this issue?

  11. 'Methinks ' Naw, not any real evidence on that score.

    This is practice for me, dummy, - that's all. If you are rooting around for political truffles you really need to get out into the woods.

    Nothing here - so drop the pretensions to wit; you do not have raw materials.

    If you had any political instincts or talents ( just guessing mind you, but I'll hazard that your last political posting ended badly; you are obviously bitter) you would be doing something worthwhile.

    Like I said, this is exercise and practice; nothing more. Bothers me not a jot!

  12. Anonymous12:49 AM

    What ward are the accussed police officers from?

    I will give you a hint
    it is less than 20
    but more than 18

    I will give you another hint about them
    They are not Black or Mexican or Chinese

    Some are convicted felons (the police that is)
    ALL have heavy political protection and great retirement jobs in the Sherrifs office, State's Attorneys, private security of politically connected and even mob connected companies, and even a convicted felon in the Public Defenders
