Sunday, April 01, 2007

Carol Marin's April Fools Joke

Today we're finishing the big move - so another link and run.

So one off duty alcoholic Chicago Cop beats up a bartender and 6 off duty cops get into a bar fight.

Obligatory column in the Times: Daley, Corruption to blame.

Steinberg and Monroe Anderson are both saying things equally as stupid. Grasping at straws, as usual. The only 'pattern of abuse' I'm seeing here is the Chicago MSM abusing logic, reality, and reason.


  1. Carol Marin, like too many in the media, will eat at Gene & Geogetti's with a public person, 'learn about heroin,' call for info, ingratiate her way into scoops and stick a good sized shiv in that 'pal's' kidneys when things seem to go bad for them.

    Carol Marin hopped on to an FBI agents's agenda to infiltrate and discredit Irish Northern Aid and got two seventy year olds a decade of financial and personal ruin.

    That same FBI agent is named in Irish Court Papers as the man who helped plant the American mole who helped plan the Omagh Bombings that killed a score of people.

    The Fogarty's worked hard to get their lives back after Carol Marin accused them of murdering a Winneta couple as IRA Hitmen. Carol's story went national.

    Carol never apologized to the Fogartys but she wants answers from Daley and her ride-around buddy Phile Cline whom she tossed under the bus.

    Carol does not answer she is the pale Oprah - the Icon.

    Carol Marin is still a lightweight. All she can do is mock a Lura Lynn Ryan with impunity and try and spin that as an act of integrity. Now, she do the same to the man who taught her about heroin - Not Heroine, Carol. You do not have the raw materials for that.

    Real news people would never engage in media feeding frenzies - imagine a Ray Coffey, or Steve Neal, or Jack Mabley - news people who actually unearthed real corruption - getting into Carol's Media Jello pit? Not likely.

    Instead we have bathrobed Blog meatheads who get fired from real news spewing venom; pencil-necked geek Lefty shills; right-wing/Libertarian coalition builders; and single-issue cheerleaders. What would news people do with Jon Burge?

    They would need to spend time at some roll-calls; go for an Englewood thrill ride on 75th Street at 3AM; actually talk to Merit promoted detectives who believe that their title is actually spelled DET.; speak with the people who are demanding better police protection for their children who are being slaughtered by gangs - the same gangs that Blue Ribbon Panel Appointed Community Activists and Candidates are led by. But that would be doing the community a service and not undermining public confidence.

  2. Steve Roades sees the pattern,

    But here comes Cline now to say that Anthony Abbate has "tarnished our image worse than anybody else in the history of the department."


    Worse than Burge? Worse than Hanhardt? Worse than Miedzianowski? Worse than the officers in the Ryan Harris case, or the police rioters of '68?

    (And how easily has Cline's predecessor, Matt Rodriguez been forgotten? Consider: the mayor's police chief had to resign for consorting with a felon and onetime murder suspect.)

    Abbatte's bartender beatdown looked ugly, but it hardly compares to the cases the city settles each year with other abused citizens.

    Chicago's got a big and long standing problem. That so called progressive worried more about Attorney General Gonzales than beatings of citzens by police evidence progressives got some big problems going too.

  3. Bill,

    Steve Rhodes and other pattern visionaries seem to only operate out THE Comrade Ben/John Conroy - 'what did the Chicago Reader' say about it ? TIFS AND TORTURE! -View Master - lots of patterns.

    People who see patterns as real life used to fill the day-room down at Manteno. That's closed now, by the way.

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    This Dan blogger is uniquely evil, he not only says the Burge torture did not happen (after hundreds of corrobarated allegations and scientific evidence and now police witnesses--on top of Office of Professional Standards multiple investigations and Special Prosecutors Investigations all that say at least a dozen cops under the control the Burge are guilty and should of been indicted)

    BUT Dan goes further and says that what Burge did was good and that it is justified. Dan says that Burge was the best cop ever and did a lot of good work.

    Pat can call Conroy comrade and imply he is a communist, but he never tries to contradict any specific fact or analysis. The Reader articles are excellent and the Pat and Dan corrupt cop defense show only use straw men arguments and ad hominem. You can insult writers or lawyers or whoever all you want--but that does not change the fact of the evil that Burge and company did.

  5. The articles ARE excellent. They never seem to end. Scharahzade came to better conclusions and resolutions , but they do keep you little sheiks amused and happy.

    The problem seems to be that allegations (and they are plenty) abound and evidence - Zippo!

    The guy is retired in Florida. The Federal Courts and the U. S. Supreme Court tossed Flint and the lads' claims - again, and again and the stories about Burge just get better with age.

    Wanting something to come true is very much different from what really takes place in the great big world.

    Get the evidence of torture; get the conviction. But, that is not going to happen. Instead the allegations and the 40Watt thinkers and Cliffs Notes Readers like yourself will take whatever everyone else says as Gospel.

    Knock yourself out! Be the groove. Stay hip.

  6. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Hickey, the Federal courts did not toss the claims. You have said this before, and it is not true.

    There are numerous cases still pending in Federal Court (civil).
    Even the evil Wilson brothers got money because of the bad police work and Flint got almost a million dollars just for his legal fees.

    There is a current Federal investigation into the torture.

    The States Attorney Special Prosecutor said that they should of been indicted (Burge, Boffo and friends) but the statute of limitations has run.

    Again, no Federal Court nor Supreme Court (State nor Federal) tossed any Burge civil or criminal case. The Police Department determined they should terminate him. There were to OPS investigations that came against him and others. The current State's Attorney report, which is now public, said that they were guilty. Yes, no convictions becasue nobody wanted to indict and now the statute has run.

    You say no evidence? How is that? The medical reports from Dr. Raba are evidence. Other medical records. Corroborated testimony and medical records are called evidence. That is evidence and it is big.

    Hickey, you keep on not responding to specifics, just keep repeating lies, and attacking journalists.
    Your lies does not make it true.
    It is is disgusting you would defend this despicable disgrace of thugs who called themselves police.

  7. Anonymous9:03 PM

    While many people are very upset about about the alledged beating of a polish bartender, we should look into her immigration status. We should address why she did not fight back, she was sober. We should look into the fact she well overserved the police officer. We want to know why she kept serving the policeman long past the point where he lost the ability to make normal judgements. I say throw that girl from Warsaw into jail for it was her that is at fault. Welcome to Mayor Daley's School of Logic. Well if Senator Munoz's brother can crack someone in the head and not lose his job (Security cameras are all over the Central District Department of Water Management), why should this policeman?

  8. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Does Rich Miller know that Danny Boy not only defends Jon Graham Burge (it is one thing to deny that the torture happened) but also justifies the torture?
    Don't take my word for it--read his own blog
    read his own words in his own blog archives

    He basically says that Burge was the best cop, and that his dad told him that sometimes to catch animals you had to act like animals, and that the everyday folk don't understand how hard it is to be a cop and the realities of the inner city and urban subculture. Even if Burge did do something technically wrong--he is a great cop who solved crime and is a stand up guy--us non cops don't understand how it is to work with animals.
    If I am mistating, misreading, misparaphrasing--read it yourself.
    This is a twisted, tormented and confused kid who thinks he is doing good work for his dad and law enforcement. Burge is a disgrace to law enforcement.

  9. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Pat Hickey,

    Are you really saying that Steve Neal is a real journalist?
    Steve Neal was a corrupt joke.
    Since he is dead, no more needs to be said.
    However, before you defend lies and corruption ask the Sun Times editors about Steve Neal off the record, or Federal prosecutors, or former US Senators.
    The words Neal and journalist should not go together.

    And Burge did not retire and ride off in the sunset. He was FIRED!!

    Also, his convictions, if they were guilty, many manywere overturned by the Courts and pardoned by Governor Ryan.
    Burges bad police work let innocent men in jail, and guilty men walk.

    Burge has cost, and still ticking tens of millions of defense dollars going to, not to Flint Taylor, but to politically connected lawyers like the son of your favorite Sherriff Sheehan (the nephew of Skinny, the friend of the Duffs)--TENS OF MILLIONS of taxpayers dollars--of cases they ALL know will be settled anyway.
    The Special Prosecutor, politically connected Irish, Egan and Boyle, cost 7 million as of last summer, and are at $100,000 a month and still counting including politically connected firms like(defense not Flint and Locke)
    Dykema Gosset Burns and Nolan
    Freeborn and Peters
    defending convicted felon cops against the law
    State's Attorneys who took coerced confession and the son of the last Sherriff who investigated some of the cases himself
    Ekl--depends on which sides for or against cops--Cook or DuPage
    and many other politically connected attorneys--they are the ones making the money--not the commie attorneys you complain about
    maybe complain to your buddy Skinny
    20 million and counting is a lot of cabbage Sweetheart
    But Burge is not paying for it (or the dozen or so officers involved)Burge is the face but not the only guy, but he doesn't care you sucka taxpayers are picking up the tab and the politically connected defense lawyers are raping the City.

    The State's Attoreny Special prosecution report said they should of been indicted but sadly the statute ran.

    The US Attorneys office is still looking into it (maybe Burge can get your buddy Durkin from Leo to help---but don't predict he will win like in Sorich--or ole Bachelor Burge will be in prison before he can come off the 5th Amendment)

    Burge and the other officers are still on the 5th Amendment in a half a dozen or so civil cases.
    You wanna bet that they will be settled and the City will admit for a third time (the termination of Burge, OPS I, OPS Goldston--and the County Special Prosecutors Report) that Burge and Pienta and Boffo and Dignan and McDermott and (no Black officers by the way and one former Black officer is saying he actually saw Burge electrocute testicles--you can see the interview with your friend Carol Marin on the internet)Coughlin and others.

    You are like the Holocaust deniers.
    THERE IS NO EVIDENCE? Medical reports? Photos? Hundreds of stories with similiar fact patterns? Court cases that have said so? Continuing Criminal investigations at the local and Federal levels? States Attorneys reports after 7 million dollars that say Burge and the others should of been convicted?
    YOU ARE SICK? Dan is just a kid and has some issues with his cop dad--but you are old enough and smart enough to know--what are you covering up?

    Daley himself said this was wrong.
    What does Devine say?

    Hickey, you are sick in your defense of this. You can make all the one line zingers you want. You can insult me, or Carol Marin, or the lawyers, or whoever all you want. You can create straw men all you want. You can distract all you want. You have NEVER engaged in specifics, responded to claims, ever used any information that you think you know. NEVER.

    Steve Neal may be prudential and debatable.

    John Burge is in no way shape or form debatable. Even Daley sees that. What are you covering up?

  10. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Patrick Hickey and Dan L need serious professional help.
    Although they are not sado-masichists or sociopaths like Jon Burge and friends.

    My personal suggestion is logotherapy and not traditional Freudian psychotherapy.
    For Hickey there is some Catholic therapy and logotherapy is not as militantly aetheist.
    For Dan, don't worry we don't believe in sexual orientation being changed through therapy like the Protestant fundies do.

    Dan can also work on his writing skills but Pat is pretty good in that department but may need to work on logic and rhetoric. Some review of the Trivium and Quadrivium.

    Maybe listening to some relaxing music. Long walks in nature. Reading M. Scott Peck. Daily affirmations of self esteem issues.
    Some cultural affirmation also:
    Pat is Irish, Dan is more heterogeneous with some Polish roots. No internet posting. Lots of hugs but no genital electrocution. We love you Dan and Pat. Just learn how to play nice and not defend sociopaths.
    No politics.

    Man must search for Meaning.

  11. Fahey Flynn?

    Naw, not really and I would never insult such a forthright and ballsy anonymous poster - just kidding - sure I would.

    Get a grip, cupcake, you melting like a little snowflake.

    Sick, hell no! I am hell when I'm well and I ain't never been sick!

    Get a conviction and then come back and do the old horselaugh and it will be a good one on me! Just get the evidence and convict Burge.

    Not going to happen because there is too much riding on continuing the howls and screams - maybe they should call the Chicago Reader the House of Screams.

    As for Steve Neal - you have unwrapped the nature of your hideous soul pretty nicely for all to see: a flea brained, mousey, talentless, flint-skinned heart the size of a tick's ear.

    Hey, I'm doing fine; but thanks for the concern, Gutless.

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Pat Hickey,
    always proving his blog enemies right.

    No logic.

    Insane statements.

    Burge is innocent.

    Carol Marin is bad.

    Flint and Locke are bad.

    Sorich is innocent.

    Black is white and white is black.

    The Reader is a bad magazine.

    Conway is a commie.

    Only Irish Catholics in the 19th ward do any good and have a sense of neighborhood.

    Machine politicians are the best.

    Steve Neal was a great and honest journalist.

  13. Yep, that about sums it up for the Cliffs Notes intellects: A thimble-sized brain-pan to match gnat like hearts is your capacity, but your pipes are working just fine.

  14. Anonymous12:10 PM

    The April Fools Joke is on
    Black people
    The taxpayers
    and ultimately Justice.

    The Aprils Fools Joke is being pulled by Psycho Danny Boy. and Straw man and attack puppy Paddy Hickey.
    It is a new low to defend torture and wasting of taxpayer dollars.

    But again, we can have Dan say this is linked to anti Gay or anti Daley conspiracy wingnuts.
    Or on the other hand Hickey can say it is pinko commies.
    Maybe do some more inults, poems, limericks, speak in Gaelic, qoute an obscure movie, blame it on Carol Marin or liberals or the Reader.
    You guys are real nutjobs--left and right. But I guess lying comes natural. Although I think Dan may really believe, Hickey knows he is lying.

  15. Jeepers Creme Puff,

    Now G.Flint and Ward Churchill can write a position paper again on systemic torture and get some more grant money.

    What will you losers do without the Burge strawman? Get a life? Naw, too much like work.

    Tie up the old bathrobe and come back with areal zinger, ( or your standard assortment of retread whines) lightweight.

  16. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Dear Moderator,

    The policy on Capitol Fax is:

    "Inappropriate or excessively rabid comments, gratuitous insults and "rumors" will be deleted or held for moderation. Profanity is absolutely not acceptable in any form. All violators risk permanent banishment without warning and may be blocked from accessing this site. Also, please try to be a little bit original. "

    I am NOT the moderator. I do like snarky at least sometimes. BUT these postings are over the top, insulting to individual people on a personal level, use profanity and are gratuitous. If the Capitol Fax rules apply here, than this entire blog entry should be deleted.

    Certainly the individual posters are at fault at least in some of these. However, the Blog writer, in this case "dan l" uses profanity, swears, insults people. By him doinig gratuitious insults on Jill Staniek as an example, and I am not in the same ideological class as Jill, he encourages others to do the same. He swears all over this board calling people explicit swearwords--and he is a Blogger not some idiot anonymous poster.

    I would encourage a good, healthy discussion on gay marriage, gay rights, or any other issue that concerns sexual orientation, human sexuality, and the convergence of public policy. I would not encourage rabid insults and swear words.

    Dan l has lowered the level of discourse on this board by his bizarre postings, using of profanity and gratuitious insults--all of which violate the rules at the parent Blog. The individual posters, whom must be drunk or high for some of the posts or certainly not serious, at least some should be banned.

    Truly Bizarre and not in keeping with the best traditions of this Blog.

  17. ben,

    If your concerns are genuine, and I can only believe that they are that, it would be fitting and proper to use your name.

    I post and comment under my name and offer no apology for my opinion, other than what is clearly and in most cases with me coherently stated above, to any sock-puppet or anonymous commentor, as he/she has precluded the seriousness of any intent hiding behind the veil of anonymity.

    To be taken seriously, be serious about the words that you post and a good start would be standing behind those words with your name.

    As Churchill once said, 'if you are walking through hell - keep going.' Same thing here; move on unles you- the real you - has something to say or ask.

  18. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I thought that the rules were NO PROFANITY.

    This Dan wierdo is really bringing down this board.

    I like Hickey, but is he REALLY? defending Jon Burge?

  19. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What about the Gerald Briemon sex abuse case?

    What about the Jose Garcia and Manny Acevedo case?

    There are plenty of bad cases, and in some places it is systematic

  20. That would be Burge's attorney; my beef is with the coalition of Commie activist who are making a ton of dough off of this singe drum beat and underming public trust in law enforcement.

    Everyone including friend Bill Baar seems satisfied with the Cliff's Notes version of Burge saga - that is too bad.

    Flint Taylor and the cadres from University Chicago have been working the media like a Stradivarius for more than twenty years; now, that is a story.

    Poor old Bill is getting on this activism as well; too bad.
    Nothing is going to come of it as far as convictions are concerned; more kids will die in Englewood and Gresham and Grand Crossing and the 40 Watt crow and lazy newpeople will further alienate citizens and Law Enforcement. That fact that my questions irriate that crowd seems to say something.

    To the moron who regularly posts and slanders people I know - get some form of life you are a gutless and miserable whinner.

  21. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Are you saying that
    1. The abuse did not take place?
    2. There is no pattern of abuse?
    3. There is no cover up?

    There are so many levels of this, it is confusing.

  22. Pat, CPD's got a systematic problem and the Mayor has to get realistic about it. Abusers may be a small group but they look entrenched and if responsible people let it go, we've got big problems.

  23. Brian,
    Those are solid questions. Hell, I do not know nor do I pretend to know; however, people who are tasked with such work have come up short for more than twenty years.

    Burge is now a rhetorical device and a chimera for Flint Taylor campaign to enrich himself while wrapped in a shroud of moral superiority.

    The Human Rights Watch Report so valorized by the Fellowships of the Dings is Flint Taylor's own litany of accusations and not a catalogue of eveidence. ( read it)

    Kids at University of Chicago were trained by G. Flint on Thursday Nights at UofC's Harper Hall to 'cull evidence' Every trace of accusation made surrounding the issue of police torture was buffeted by Flint's Office to - Sasha Abramsky of Mother Jones John Conroy and Ben Jovarsky ( Hoop Dreams Part II). One of Flint's partners in this culling is the fraud Ward Churchill. I just read the news and form my opinion.

    I know that many of the allegations that say 'he tortured me for six hours straight' do not match up with the undoctored police timelines - an alleged victim was arrested, confessed, processed and detained in a pretty trim fashion that had NO missing six hours where the confessed murderer would have been brutalized.

    Likewise, Atty. William Kunkel completly unhorsed Taylor's 'medical expert' as a fraud and brought in a witness ( aan actual Amnesty International Torture Victim) who had been tortured by British SAS and MI-5 agents and discounted any possiblity of 'torture' and this guy had been worked over by real pros.

    Like I said, it is a free country, believe what you will. I believe that people like G. Flint Taylor abuse every positive value in American Society and they could care less. His most ardent culler of evidence is disgraced academic and clown Ward Churchill. This evidence is right out there in black and white. All the rest is political nonsense and a dangerous undermining of public trust.

    G. Flint is a past master of that art. I can do without him. Lazy journalists can not.

    HEY, want to read a real newsman? Read Phill Kadner in today's Daily Southtown -

    Now that is a newsman, Phil does not react to the news; he investigates something that seems to be not too kosher and does readers a service by heading off real public problems.

    7:19 AM

  24. Well then go get bright boy.

  25. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Go get bright boy?

    What does that mean?

    Is that code?

    Is that a response?

    Is that Gaelic?

    Is that encryption for the 19th ward?

    Wow, Burge must be innocent. Conroy must be a communist.
    Flint must be a crook.
    White must be black and black must be white.

  26. SKeeter, Ist Das Nicht Du???? Meine Braver Hund, Skeeter!

    No else is this banal, witless or obstreperously energetic!


  27. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I like Mayor Daley (as Mayor I don't know him personally)
    The City is more modern, beautiful, education is a little better for most and a lot better for some, and lots of infrastructure.

    I don't know about Jon Burge or Police torture or any of the other stories besides what I read in the paper. Sometimes I wish the cops would slap around gang bangers more. Of course I am against police torture.

    I am not against "the Machine", getting people jobs with "patronage" but I am against HDO.
    I got to see Al Sanchez in action personally and he is a real scumbag. He was strongly related to drug dealers and gang bangers.
    Al Sanchez is very violent and omniprescent in bars.
    It is very sad and disapointing that Mayor Daley would defend Sanchez.
    Daley defending Sanchez makes me believe in conspiracies. HDO was evil and devestated our community.

  28. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Daley lost all credibility in defending Al Sanchez. Especially ironic is the Sun Times played both stories of his defense of indicted wannabee thug Al Sanchez next to his telling people not to fight in bars. Now that is funny. He should told Al Sanchez and HDO not to fight in bars and not beat up people 10 years ago (and not drink too much, and not do cocaine, and not sell cocaine, and not beat up people, and not associate with gangs)
