Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Marathon Pundit exclusive: Judge upholds 6 of 8 counts in Klocek case

Last summer, in a stinging rebuke of Chicago's DePaul University, Cook County Court Judge Stuart Nudelman ruled that fired DePaul Professor Thomas Klocek's claims of defamation have merit--Klocek's case should on to the next step: trial by jury.

But Nudelman, who was described by my lawyer friends as a "very good and fair judge," retired last year.

So some of the same arguments were presented to the case's new judge, Daniel J. Kelley. Yesterday, in a seventeen page decision--a copy of which has been obtained by Marathon Pundit--Kelley ruled that six of the eight counts against DePaul have merit. The ones that didn't involved privacy concerns and have been dismissed.

In short, barring a settlement, the Thomas Klocek defamation case against DePaul University will be going to trial.

As always in these types of cases, there is CAIR involvement.

DePaul, in the words of attorney John Mauck, "hung a Scarlet 'R' of racism" of Klocek.

The top link below takes you to an extended explanation of the Klocek affair. The short version is this: Klocek, pictured above, was an adjunct professor at DePaul's School of New Learing for fifteen years. In 2004, Klocek questioned some outrageous statements made by two campus Muslim groups involving Israel and the occupied territories. The students, unaccustomed to having their beliefs challeged, complained to the school administration, and Klocek was out of a job.

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Related posts:

Sept 15: Second anniversary of the beginning of the Thomas Klocek affair

Sign the Reinstate Thomas Klocek at DePaul Petition

The Thomas Klocek legal defense fund