Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chicago Cash

Chicago's runoff elections are next week and the campaign disclosure reports are showing lots of contributions. ICPR, working with Prof. Kent Redfield of the Sunshine Project, have tabulated the largest donors to candidates in next Tuesday's runoff. We'll have more data posted later today on donors to particular candidates in the runoffs, but here are the largest donors to all Chicago aldermanic candidates, as of Wednesday evening:

$1,713,000 SEIU IL Council PAC & Local 800
$275,000 UFCW Local 881 & Active Ballot Club
$228,000 Chicago Federation of Labor
$218,000 First CD Victory Fund
$213,000 Chicago Association of Realtors
$167,000 AFSCME Council 31
$142,000 Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce PAC
$106,000 Herro David
$105,000 Meier Helen
$92,000 Construction & Gen Laborers Dist Council Chicago

There's also a lot of money on the sidelines -- that First CD Victory Fund has about a quarter million in the bank, and Mayor Daley has more than a million in his fund, not counting the $89K he's already transferred to runoff candidates. This last weekend could see significant spending in many of the runoffs.

1 comment:

  1. It is a wonder that a radical group of leftists bent on eliminating the middle class in America can be continually identified as a 'Labor Union' - now where did that astounding amount money ($1,713,000 SEIU Oay Back Fund) coupled with the untold sum of dollars wasted by SEIU in the Big Box Ordinance Disaster come from - dues???? From minimum wage members?

    I wonder why union leadership does not engage in collective bargaining - like every other real union?

    The Media is in their vest pocket!
