Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Madigan proposes People's Power: HB4091

Some might call it Socialism, which has never been a bad word for me; but then a nobler kind of Socialist comes to my mind when I hear the word: a Mayor who never would have contemplated responding to police brutality with a lecture on relaxing.

From the Southern with a HT to MrBillB over at Prairie State Blue.
Illinois government should get into the electricity business with a state-run, non-profit power agency, the leader of the Illinois House proposed Tuesday, in legislation that savages Ameren and ComEd for recent rate hikes and service failures.

House Speaker Michael Madigan, one of the state's most powerful Democrats, filed a bill Tuesday afternoon to create a publicly owned power authority that would use Illinois coal to generate and sell electricity to state residents at cost.
Now, if we can own the juice, why can't we own our own chunk of America's Economic power with Social Security ownership accounts?

Or what about Walmart Mr. Speaker? If you follow the Democrat's neo-Populist rhetoric, and think it's right for the 21st Century, you've got to hand it to Speaker Madigan for at least not playing games about it.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Now, if we can own the juice, why can't we own our own chunk of America's Economic power with Social Security ownership accounts?

    You already do. You just aren't in control of it which is exactly the same way it will be with the 'People's Power'. Unless you honestly believe that each Illinois citizen will have an actual voice of fuel purchasing, production issues, transportation etc.

  2. Spot on Bill,

    Perhaps teachers in Illinois Public Schools and Professors at the Universities of Illinois could actually own their retirment pension, rather than the governor using it as his personal piggy bank.

    University professors are posting for jobs nationwide to escape the reach of Blagojevich for their retirement savings.


  3. Gish, I was thinking of a soviet of electrical workers, coal miners and farmers to run it.

  4. You already do

    PS FICA trust fund invested in American equities?

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Bill Baar.

    Bringing Illinoize readers a steady diet of non sequiturs and apples-to-oranges comparisons since 2005.
