Wednesday, April 04, 2007

GAS!!!.....................Receipts Tax

The Illinois Petroleum Marketers Association has finally gotten into the gross receipts tax debate in a big way.

From Dixon, IL:

"For the everyday person to understand how the proposed tax would affect them, they need look no further than the gas pump. According to the Illinois Petroleum Marketers Association and the Illinois Association of Convenience Stores, Blagojevich's original 0.5 percent GRT would cause the price of gas to go up by over four cents.

According to Bill Fleischli and Dave Sykuta, who represent the IPMA and the IACS, the Gross Receipts Tax will add at least four to 10 cents-a-gallon to the cost of motor fuel in Illinois. The trucking industry, agricultural community and Illinois citizens will pay between $144 million dollars and a quarter of a billion dollars a year in additional taxes on motor fuel."
(Emphasis added)

Raising gasoline taxes by as much as $250 million a year? This is a message that could seriously resonate in rural and suburban Illinois, especially if they manage to break that number down into "average household." Thanks, Illinois Press Association.


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    So slapping it to "big oil companies" is OK through the court system, but not OK if Yellow Dog has to pay at the pump? Who do you think pays for the junk lawsuits that oil companies have to fight?

    Yellow Dog's two consecutive posts contradict each other so badly, it hurts to read them.

    Maybe Yellow Dog should have read the Pacific Research Institute study before criticizing it?

  2. Um, please point out a junk lawsuit against the oil companies for me?

    And, if you'll notice the post, under the GRT, it's the consumer who pays.

    Under the jury system, it's negligent companies that pay. Sure, negligent companies try to pass their costs on to consumers, but since the court system only punishes the negligent, companies that play by the rules have a competitive advantage, while the oil-spilling, drunken-captain companies of the world are given a strong incentive to clean up their act.

    The only conflict is in your kool-aid filled head.

    PS> I did read the PRI report. It looks amazingly similar to the long-ago discredited Tillinghast Report, with the dates changed and the numbers inflated by the CPI. A+ for Recycling, F for Content.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    All I know is that the gas producers and companies are sticking to Joe Six-Pack big time.
    I am so sick of listening to the excuses - there are so many they keep repeating themselves. Hurricane, forest fires, bad weather, and the ever popular "refinery fire." If these refineries are so poorly build and fire-protected, and keep catching on fire, maybe that's a problem in itself. They certainly seem to be prevalent.

    Face it, we are being screwed in a big way and the only way to stop it is to conserve gas usage. They will not back off or care one iota unless it starts to hurt their bottom line. I've already started to cut my spending on everything I purchase, because I don't want to be a part of this continual gouging of the American consumer.
