Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tsarpalis, Salvi and Heffley

I was disappointed to read today that John Tsarpalis will be stepping down as Executive Director of the Illinois Republican Party (IRP). He will join the Sam Adams Alliance as a national alliance director. Speaking with him this morning, he said the job largely entails helping local groups organize to fight tax and regulation hikes.

Rumors had begun to bubble a few days ago that he might be departing but I had hoped they were not true. Tsarpalis brought real-world experience to the post, experience in the trenches. He was deeply committed to grass-roots action and collegial consultation across all spectrums of Republican thought, commitments he had lived as a successful volunteer organizer. At last month's State Central Committee meeting, Tsarpalis had announced he would be focusing on work to develop a coherent Republican message for Illinois. It was a critical component that largely got lost in the shuffle during the last cycle.

While his departure is a tough loss, Tsarpalis says he will continue the good fight for lower taxes and less regulation, just from a little different angle. He will remain a valuable and key ally for Republicans in their efforts to rebuild.

While there is no word on a successor yet, Jason Heffley has returned to the party as deputy executive director. Heffley had formerly worked with the party as a field coordinator and was Kathy Salvi's campaign manager in her bid for the GOP nomination in the Eighth Congressional Dist. last spring. Having worked with rival David McSweeney during that time, I can vouch for the fact that Heffley is a tough opponent. He ran a strong race. Again, the real-world experience he gained will work to the benefit of the IRP.

Speaking of Kathy Salvi, hers is the only name I hear mentioned seriously and frequently as a potential candidate for U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Dick Durbin. I spoke briefly to her husband, Al, a few weeks ago. He said she has not given it serious consideration, but some people have talked to her. I hear from others that an intense effort to create a "draft Salvi" movement has been underway for over a month. The only question is whether it would be for the U.S.Senate nomination or for another bid for Congress in the Eighth District. Certainly, if David McSweeney decided to run again for Congress, he would be my first choice. Barring that, I think Salvi would be a solid, articulate candidate for either spot.

Cross-posted at Illinois Review


  1. It's not quite that bad, SFC (are you any relation to KFC? If so could you get them to go back to using transfats? Their original recipe really stinks since they've changed and it used to be one of my favorites). But your post did have me literally laughing out loud. A nice synopsis of recent GOP history in this state.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Will you be on the payroll of both the Salvi and McSweeney campaigns this time, Charlie?

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    What about Bill Brady against Durbin? He's well-known and well-liked statewide, without too many enemies among moderates or conservatives.

  4. I asked early on about that. Brady is very focused on another run for governor in four years and is, in fact, even now working to that end. He told me shortly after the election that he would not consider the Durbin seat - and all those close to him that I know say that he remains consistent on that.

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I like it better when Charlie is on a campaign, because then we are spared his useless posts, and insight.

    Please, go jump on a campaign now Charlie, hurry!
