Thursday, February 15, 2007

Alderman Troutman Blocks Development Of The 20th Ward

If you ever get to crack open an issue of N'Digo you will often see an editorial by the owner and publisher Hermene Hartman. What she tackles is generally going to be local in nature but the scope could be business, national politics, or perhaps more cultural. This week since N'Digo is a weekly publication she tackles a local issue or a person Ald. Troutman.

Not a very good editorial for Troutman. Yeah OK she does touch upon the corruption charges that she is facing right now. Hartman notes...

...At the last City Council meeting, Alderman Troutman said that her signature had been forged on papers that gave approval to a $77 million housing (mixed income) project that has the ability to turn the community of Woodlawn around.

How could an alderman stand up in a room of law, and claim forgery? Who could have forged her signature?

Sounds like an outright lie, and hopefully voters will find this information troubling enough to replace Troutman in the upcoming election.
Then she goes on to talk about how Troutman has proven herself unable to move development in her ward. Hartman makes bullet points on project that should have gone forward but Troutman kept at a standstill...

  • St Bernard’s Hospital is located in Englewood. The population here suffers intensively from heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory disease, infant mortality, and obesity. For years St. Bernard’s has tried to build a new state-of-the-art community health clinic for Englewood citizens. Alderman Troutman refuses to meet with the principals to discuss the project. A new hospital is not in St. Bernard’s future because of the alderman. This should not be allowed to happen.

  • The Grand Ballroom at 63rd and Cottage Grove has been restored to its splendor. It is one of Chicago’s historic ballrooms that sat next to the Regal Theater. The building has been restored with painstaking efforts, and is one of the most beautiful in the city. It took guts for the developer to drop millions in a desert of a community. The same developer also bought the old Strand Hotel, which is vacant and boarded up. Now that the Ballroom has been reopened, he has spent thousands to develop the hotel for residential and commercial purposes. The alderman encouraged the developer, and now refuses support his multi-million dollar project.

  • Another site that receives no notice from the alderman sits on the southwest corner of Garfield Boulevard and King Drive. The site begs for development as it sits at the entry corridor leading into Washington Park. This gateway could be a centerpiece in the 20th Ward.
In closing Hartman says that developers in Chicago generally pass over the 20th ward because of their difficulty in dealing with Troutman. She doesn't seem to be interested in developing her ward which isn't exactly doing that well. I drive through that wear every now and then and I would see boarded up and empty buildings as well as vacant lots. So Hartman hopes that the people there will elect a new alderman. Right now though I'm totally not sure if she's either going to be indicted or lose her seat on the city council.

Also check out the cover story on black political families in Chicago.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Sounds like she's taken a few pages from the Dorothy Tillman playbook.

  2. I drove 63rd west to Cottage to 47th east yesterday and it's striking to see the development north of Hyde Park Kenwood vs south in Woodlawn.

    My neigbor's fraternity used to have a boys club of sorts they sponsered just north of 47th. A girl I knew in College lived just south. I wish I had bought some of the property north of 47th back then. I wish I had bought a two flat back in Ukrainian Village (which I never called that then) when my friend used to tend bar at the tavern with the indoor bacci ball court on Chicago ave.

    All sorts of mistakes.
