Thursday, August 03, 2006

There Oughta Be a Law...

Is there anything more irritating than stopping at a convenience store in the morning to get a cup of coffee and getting stuck behind some clown who thinks he's on a riverboat? "I'll take a straight box (or whatever it is), three of those two dollar tickets, one five dollar ticket and five of those one dollar ones. And then run these for me..." (At which point the goof pulls out a stack of lotto cards thicker than the large-print version of War and Peace.)

Couldn't stores have a $20 limit per visit or something? And truly, is there anything more irritating?


  1. When I am on my deathbed, I want the State of Illinois to give back all the time I lost waiting in line behind lotto players.

  2. Charlie,

    Couldn't agree more. State-sponsered gambling is a disgrace.

  3. Good news! I've found a solution to this problem:

  4. Please don't suggest this to Joe Moore. He is busy enough chasing demons around Chicago.


  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Here's a thought, go get coffee where they don't sell lottery tickets...problem solved.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The lottery funds schools. By complaining about people playing the lottery, you are hurting our schools.

    Why do you hate the children so much?

  7. The Lottery Funds Schools. Let's break this logic apart for a second.

    In order to fund our schools, we take the milk money from poor people. Hmm, that makes a lot of sense.

    Instead of overtaxation and tricky gambling schemes, why not give each child a choice of where to go to school, public or private, and thus level the playing field, introduce competition, and keep the costs of schools down.

    No, that would make too much sense.

  8. Hey, hey, anon 9:20...are you the person who plays the character on The Simpsons who, whatever the issue, shrieks, "What about the children?"

    I love some of the wry comments, here. But anon 8:36, what convenience store do you know that doesn't sell lotto? And I'm a Folgers/Maxwell House type of guy when it comes to coffee. I don't want Starbucks or Caribou or any sort of frou-frou coffee. Not that I object to frou-frou;I just like my coffee plain old 1950's American style.

  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    yeah, maybe he likes to go to a convenience store that charges less than 3 bucks for their coffee...

    i live across the street from a 24 hour gas station so i often walk across the street for milk or juice of snacks, and i always seem to be behind the lotto people.

    i have always wondered why the lottoe was run by the government. because all the lotto does is take money away from the poor... why would a wealthy person waste their time trying to win $20 from a scratch off ticket??? just another case of the man keepin us down.

  10. Anonymous3:23 PM

    So if we learn anything today, it's that Charlie's coffee is as outdated as he is.

  11. You thinking of moving to Chicago and running for Alderman? With ideas like that you would fit right in with Burke, Moore, and Natarus.
