Friday, August 04, 2006

The Angry Left in Illinois

Crossposted on Marathon Pundit.

One reason the Left has trouble winning elections (outside of Illinois) is its angry element, exemplified by the person who owns this SUV.

I took this picture (click on it to make it bigger) yesterday afternoon in Niles, Illinois, where I work.

Here is the verbiage on those bumper stickers:

"Worst President Ever"

"Democracy is so 1999"

"You don't count, neither does Diebold"

"Support the troops, impeach Bush"

"New Orleans died for Bush's sins"

"I hated Bush before Bush hating was cool"

"Illinois, thankfully a blue state"

Seven bumper stickers. All but the last one are clearly negative messages. The last one is for me, but when Judy Baar Topinka defeats corrupt Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich in November, the Illinois red renaissance will have begun.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Lovie's right; it's common practice to blur a licence plate in a photo where the identity of the owner is not at issue.

  2. Setting aside for a moment the propriety of a) posting a photograph of someone else's auto/license and b) the lack of Illinoize focus, John's posting is based on a false premise, i.e. that it is politically disadvantageous to be vocally anti-Bush.

    Only 38 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Bush is doing and an ABC poll found 40 percent of voters said that their vote in 2006 would be motivated by their feelings about the Bush administration.

    And 48% to 38% of voters said they trusted Democrats more than Republicans to do a better job in coping with the nation's main problems; 52 percent to 39 percent favor Democrats on the economy and 45 percent to 40 percent favor the Democrats on immigration. []

    Repulican rule is a failure and America knows it.

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Fortunately, of course, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred has no corollary on the Right (cough, cough).

  4. the lack of Illinoize focus

    You're free to post here Austin, and change the focus....

  5. Fortunately, of course, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred has no corollary on the Right (cough, cough).

    I can't imagine Republicans putting a Howard Dean type of personality as head of the RNC.

  6. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Those stickers aren't negative, they're truthful. That the right can say Bush is a good president slays me!

  7. Good point.

    In contrast, the Right is so nice to Sen. Clinton and Bill Clinton.

    Cindy Sheehan was always treated like a lady by the right.

    Anybody from San Francisco is treated with dignity by the GOP.

    John, what color is the sky in your world?


    I agree completely. A budget cutter who wants government off our backs and out of our bedrooms would have no place in the GOP.

  8. It's Dean's personality Skeeter.

    Positions are irrelevant here. I'm thinking style that a Pol needs regardless of positions.

    Although I'm sure you had the drift of where I was going...

    ...he sounds and looks an odd, and angry man.

  9. My All -Time Favorite Bumber Sticker was on a beat up Dodge driven by a woman in Griffith, IN

    All Men Are Idiots - I Married Their King!

  10. As for blurring out the licence plate, I'm unaware of such need. The owner of the vehicle has chosen to draw attention to himself/herself in a pubic manner. If that person doesn't like it, remove the bumperstickers.

    First, for me or anyone to do damage to the SUV owner, access to the Sec'y of State database on plates would be needed.

    Secondly, the person chose to make a spectacle of his beliefs.

    Third: The angry right would leave it at one bumper sticker. The classic one is "Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales."

    Others I've seen are "Bill Clinton for President of China," and "Vote for Hanoi John."

    Satirical, yes. Overkill, no.

    Note to Pat Hickey: I couldn't get that link you left on Marathon Pundit to work. Can you post it again?

  11. Lovie's Leather said...
    "Personally, I think the license plate says it all. This person is obviously a commi freak."

    What irony there.
    In a post allegedly denoucing mean words, LL calls somebody a "commie freak."

    But he meant it in the best possible way.

  12. John,
    You are like a little puppy. As soon as your eyes open your world will change dramatically.

    Seriously though, the post is completely insane. Sen. Clinton has more brutal invectives hurled at her as a matter of policy by Republicans than any other American. That is a fact.

    Look at what Bush did to McClain -- a whisper campaign that the man was mentally unstable.

    One person's bumper stickers are petty compared to the actions of Republicans every day.

  13. Sen. Clinton has more brutal invectives hurled at her as a matter of policy by Republicans than any other American.

    A lot of Dems hurl some brutal stuff at her too.

    Somehow I think she hurls back pretty good.

  14. Oh, did New Orleans really die for Bush's sins?

    Considering global warming is a real occurence, Bush has only been president for 5 1/2 years.

  15. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Leave it to Bill Baar to support this dumb post. Both Bill and John routinely have difficulties posting about local and state politics, which is suppose to be the subject matter of this blog.

    I don't mind seeing conservative threads, but I wish both of you could stay focused on politics, and not give into ideological rants.

    Too bad Rich Miller won't suspend your posting rights when you stray into outer space.

  16. anon 11:45,

    so were just supposed to let Skeeter go unchallanged because Skeeter is talking about Hillary Clinton and she's from NY?

    That's some how off limits?

    Hillary is a great example of how bitter Democrats can be; about someone in their own party.

    Visit Soap Blog Chicago if you want to find some bitter local Hillary haters.

  17. Bill,

    My post was responsive to an issue raised.

    You all brought up the issue of behavior, I pointed out the obvious.

    Also, if you think that the language of Democrats towards Sen. Clinton or President Clinton is anywhere near the foul and disgusting language tossed at her as a matter of policy by the right, then you are being willfully ignorant.

    It isn't even close and you know it.

    It also pales in comparison to the comments by Bush about McCain in South Carolina, which were some of the most foul and disgusting comments I have ever heard in politics.

  18. John,
    Interesting note about global warming.
    Good to see you disagree with the President on that issue.

  19. Skeeter...meant to say, considering global warming MAY be a real occurrence.

  20. While global warming probably was a factor in Hurricane Katrina, George Bush was definitely a factor in the aftermath in New Orleans. The guy took a vacation on America, again. His sin is sloth and indifference to his fellow man.

    Just how lazy is George Bush? Try tallying up the number of vacation days he's taken since September 11th. If I were President, there would be no days off while Osama bin Laden was still on the loose.

    Just how indifferent are George Bush and the Republican Party to their Christian duties to follow the Golden Rule, love their neighbor and be good stewards for God's creation? How about these bumper stickers:

    "Keep working -- Millions on welfare depend on you"

    "Celebrate truth, not diversity"

    "My SUV gets 25 mpg. 28 in a rainforest."

    Fortunately, as every nationwide poll now attests, the American people are finally starting to realize that the Emperor wears no Moral Authority.

  21. George Bush was definitely a factor in the aftermath in New Orleans.

    Nagin and Blanco just a couple of bumps-on-a-log in the Bayou?

    (Not to mention the selfless performance Cong Jefferson (D-La).)

    Talk about big gov. The Feds are supposed to have it all now. We may as well dispense with State, Parish, and local.

  22. Those comments were not very nice, Bill.
    What's the deal?
    According to the original post, you were the kind and polite ones?
    What's the story here?

  23. What's the deal?

    Bush gets singled out solely for a disaster that hit a chunk of the US the size of England.

    The role of local Democrats is overlooked entirely. Only Bush gets blame.

    That's the story.

  24. And if you want to see how angry Democrats are, just look at Lieberman in Conn where the angry ones are going to defeat him in the primary, and in turn he'll get relelected in the general as an independent.

    And probably run as VP with McCain or Guiliani in 2008.... that's one crazy irrational party at the moment.

  25. Anonymous1:41 PM

    "one reason the left has trouble winning elections is its angry element"

    I think its the most naive idea to think that only democrats have nasty bumper stickers and republicans don't. But then that wouldn't fit into your obvious bias on the issue.

    Sidenote, the funniest bumper sticker I have ever seen is the one of the flag with the slogan 'these colors dont run' under it... Aside from the fact that its a terrible slogan holding up a senseless position, it was made totally ironic because the sticker had almost totally faded away from sun and rain damage...

  26. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Yes Bill, I’m disappointed to see Skeeter and others take the bait. But, I do enjoy watching them walk all over John and you. Try sticking with state and local politics next time.

  27. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Regardless of who wins in Nov., not many people are going to be happy about it.

    I think if None Of The Above were an available choice, that's where the votes would go.

  28. Topinka and Blago AREN'T local? Also, the pic was taken in Illinois.

    Post your own stuff, or start your own blogs.

  29. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Nagin got re-elected in NOLA, how does he keep getting a free ride, as long as that picture of the submerged busses is around?

  30. Anonymous11:22 AM

    The canaries are beginning to sing. See the front page article in today's Chgo Trib on Stu Levine. Feds are cocked and loaded.

  31. Ruberry, if I had any respect for you, I'd look through your posts and find a bunch of Right Wing "anger".

    But it would be a waste of my time.

  32. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Seems to me the left will struggle in Illinois because the democratic party no longer represents the left.

    In fact, looking at the current situation with the Green party, the democratic party is working to keep the progressive Green party off the ballot.

    They are controlling our access to choices and how information gets out. The governor has already stated he will not debate the Green Party candidate for Governor.

    An "informed electorate choosing their representatives" is what I was taught in school.

    Seems the established parties have a vested interest in not allowing free debate.

    Maybe the republicans feel that the Green Party will 'steal' votes from the democrats.

    Seems to me the Green message may appeal to their voters also.

    I was taught the key conservative values are:

    Family (a living wage and saving resources for the future),

    Less government in our life (roll back the Patriot act, work with minority groups rather than demonize them),

    Fiscal responsibility (our state tax system is broke and only the Green candidate for governor is offering any ideas at all besides selling the cow (the lotto),

    and opportunities for people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps (focussing on local economics and livable wages, not having taxpayers subsidize corporate profits).

    If people actually read, the Greens may actually make sense if you can see beyond the next earnings statement.

    The two established parties are elected on money from corporations. Where will the elected candidates loyalties be?

    I think it's time to find someone who is looking out for the voters and the interests of the individual.

    Is the Green party the solution? I don't know, but I do know that the established parties won't listen to the voters unless they feel threatened by a third party.

    That third party has earned a place on the ballot and the pool of disenfanchised voters is significant.

    So- do we listen to the voters or squash the third party?


  33. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Has anyone seen a sane Green?

    Nothing quite says "I'm an irrelevant dingbat" like "I'm a Green."

  34. "Bush gets singled out solely for a disaster that hit a chunk of the US the size of England."


    Just a reminder: Bush is the President of the United States. If he didn't want to be responsible for protecting the United States, he shouldn't have run for the office.

  35. Anonymous4:51 PM

    About Robbie's comment, "the funniest bumper sticker I have ever seen is the one of the flag with the slogan 'these colors dont run' under it...."

    One of my favorites looks just like that, except it says:
    "These colors don't run...the world!"

    [Those who think that's unpatriotic should think about why none other than Mark Twain was a founding member of the US Anti-Imperialist League. I'm happy to be a Mark Twain patriot.]
