Friday, June 02, 2006

Silly in Chicago

I like Mayor Daley. We're about the same age. I think we talk the same way. I'd be a disaster in a press conference. My best performance would be Daley at some of his classic worse moments. I'd blow up like him too.

My wife mentioned last night she heard this exchange on the radio and said he sounded terrible,
Mayor Richard Daley seemed intent on personally opening up the summer "silly season" of frivolous news stories Wednesday.

Court testimony this week that Chicago Skyway tollbooths were fully staffed to help ensure an unimpeded ride to his Michigan summer home was, well, "silly," the mayor said.

Then he said it again. About 20 times.

"Silliest thing I ever heard in my life," the mayor declared. "It really is silly.... It's silly, silly, silly, silly."
I haven't heard the audio but I wondered if this was more than the usual tangle and instead the sounds of nerves in a guy who feels the walls closing in and the air getting thin.

I got a feeling he's coming to a sad end. My father-in-law rode the Lake Street 'L' into the loop Tuesday and said the city's never looked better. He's known that stretch of street since the 1930's so he has some reference. Everyone in my family attributes it to the Mayor. We just hate to see him end on a bad note.


  1. I get that feeling that Daley won't be mayor for life like his father. Yeah Daley has accomplished so much but I think some of his leadership style might just bite him in the bottom. Then again he's had a good run and it is about time for some fresh new blood.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    The bottom line is did Daley break the law or not. Certainly his friends and family did.

    Moreover, the City is better as is every City in this country, what is uniquely attributable to the Mayor and what would of happened anyway.

  3. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Daley may have done some good but his time to go is NOW. He overstayed his welcome.

  4. "Daley may have done some good but his time to go is NOW. He overstayed his welcome. "

    That welcome card was a land-slide victory at the polls, as I recall.

    Let's try to remember that a baldy-Clint Howard look-a-like Multi-millionaire banker dweeb shopped the Justice Department for a later-day Star Chamber Justice Jeffreys.

    I ain't new and it ain't necessarily justice.

  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Pat, did Rich Daley break the law?
    Does he use the power of GOVERNMENT unfairly to win the landslide elections?
    His elections are not that really landslide. It was close in 89 and yes the margins got bigger but the actual votes did not. Daley got more votes winning than Ed Vrdolyak got losing. Daleys numbers pure and turnout wise are not that impressive.

    Daley is too corrupt. His friends are robbing the city blind. That is why the taxes are too high.

  6. Daley ran against Ed Vrdolyak??????????? Missed that one.

    Taxes are high because 'his friends are robbing the city blind'- that too is a tough one for me.

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Yep, Daley ran against Vrodo way back when. Vrodo didn't get any votes, but he stayed in the race till the end. I think he ran as a repub with the other candidate on the Harold Washington party ticket.

  8. Thanks Merlin,

    . . .Plumb forgot.
