Tuesday, May 09, 2006

State Rep. Lou Jones Dies

Assistant House Majority Leader Lou Jones, D-Chicago, a strong backer of the Old Slave House outside Equality in Southern Illinois died yesterday Chicago media are reporting.

I first met Jones in a visit to the house towards the end of the spring legislative session in 1997 during a trip organized by the then local state Rep. David Phelps, D-Eldorado.

The site fascinated her and the other members of the Black Legislative Caucus who were able to attend. That fascination led to funding and she's been the House leader the state representatives in the 118th District had gone to in their efforts to secure additional funding for the site, now owned by the state.

She was an interesting lady who has suffered long with poor health. I wish her family, friends and staff well.


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    She has passed on, no comments should be allowed. Her legislative career and intellect were lackluster. Don't do criticism but don't do unnecessary platitudes either. Just a simple obit, with no commentary. Don't glorify that which should not be.

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    7:47, Lou fought for what she believed in. If you believe in different things, so be it. But I would rather have somebody like Lou, than the countless legislators who only fight for contributors and special interests.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    7:47, do you even recognize what a raging hypocrite you are, saying "no comments should be allowed" immediately before you denigrate the memory of a woman who just passed away? And who by all measures was beloved and admired for her advocacy, while raising seven grandchildren? Wouldn't it be easier for you to just piss on her grave directly, and avoid all the unnecessary typing? You are beneath contempt.

  4. I wish them all well too. And may her soul rest in peace.

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    my God.....Have you no sense of shame?? Have you no sense od decency? She was a wonderful person who had a huge heart for the

  6. Anonymous10:45 PM

    lou lou i miss u dawg even tho u were mean sometime
