Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Representative Art Tenhouse to resign

It's was only a matter of time before the Republicans got in on the action. Art Tenhouse (R-93) will announce he will resign the House seat he has held since 1989 to join a CPA lobbying firm. This leaves Evans' seat open, which in turn if the local Dems and quite honestly alot of Repubs get their wish, leaves Sullivan's seat open. Tenhouse leaves in July, which requires an appointment to the seat to finish his term and on the November ballot. It appeared as though he would run unopposed, this shall surely change. It had been rumored this was going to be Art's last run. That puts an end to that rumor. This will all get very interesting very fast. The Quincy Pundit

1 comment:

  1. Who are the prominent local officals (particularly ones whose terms are not up this fall and thus take a free shot at the seat) in both the Democratic and Republican Parties who might run for this seat?
