Saturday, January 21, 2006

Obama's flying companions

Today's Sun Times reports Sen Obama will pay full fare on private jet flights. That's really not the point though. Why is he flying in these private jets in the first place? Is there no Government Contract flight available?

I'll credit Sen Durbin this. I've flown three times with him between Washington DC and Chicago and we were together in United's Economy Section. I was the only one who recognized Durbin too. Or at least acknowledged him with a Good Morning Senator. Obama should be flying this way too.
In 2005, Obama took eight flights on private planes -- two on Illinois-headquartered Archer Daniels Midland aircraft; one on a plane provided by John Rogers, the chairman and CEO of Chicago's Ariel Capital Management; another on a plane supplied by Quintin Primo, co-founder and CEO of Chicago's Capri Capital Advisors and an Obama fund-raiser; one on a plane from the Synovus Financial Corp. in Columbus, and three flights on planes made available by John Gorman, the Austin, Texas-based chairman of Tejas Securities, who is a major donor to Obama and other Senate Democrats.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I know when I donate to a politicians campaign that the money may be used for travel. Considering the amount Obama raises for himself and other democrats, I have no problem with this.

  2. It's good to know he's staying in touch with the "little people."

  3. I don't have a problem with him spending his own money to travel like this.

    I have a problem with what deals are being made with these folks while the flights in progress.

    I don't think they invite Obama to hear him read chapters from his biography.

    Stick with economy class on United Senator with tickets at the gov rate. Save the donors some.

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    By far, most of his travel is on commercial flights, in the economy class. As I recall, after his speech to the convention, he returned to Chicago on ATA.

    Having said that, in order for him to even attempt to respond to thousands of requests for his time, chartered planes are needed. And Bill, just because he is using a corporate jet doesn't mean anyone from the corporation is also travelling. Except for very rare circumstances, he would be travelling alone. Believe it or not.

    As an example of how using chartered planes is helpful, imagine how difficult it would be to appear in Central Illinois on a Monday and still make it to Washington. And that happens quite a bit. It costs money, but it's pretty clear his campaign fund can afford it.

  5. a lonely a Senator leads... alone in those corp jets at 30k feet.

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Look at the Chicago Tribune feature by Jeff Zeleny (registration required)... Obama declined to speak at a Florida fundraising event because of his daughter's ballet recital. But the Florida folks wanted him so bad they arranged for a private flight AFTER the recital to Florida. That's the kind of pull the guy has, and it's no wonder he raised $6M.

    One other point. Governor Blagojevich and his supporters like to flaunt his fundraising prowess. But he's done that under the ridiculously lax state fundraising rules, meaning he can accept unlimited donations. Obama raised $6M under FEDERAL rules, which have significant caps. That means that Barack most likely has a significantly LARGER number of individual donors than Rod, which should temper the national ambitions of some of Rod's political advisors. He can't convert his $20M state funds to federal, and with a level playing field his hands-off style will be really cramped.

  7. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Obama does take commercial flights most of the time. Read the Zeleny article.

  8. Considering the fate of Carnahan and Wellstone, I'd say it's incredibly brave of Obama to fly at all.

  9. Larry: good point! I wouldn't fly in private jets for just that reason.

    But I don't get invited either.
