Saturday, January 21, 2006

New Governor's race survey

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch and KMOV partnered to conduct a Research 2000 Illinois poll to see how voters across the state felt about the November Governor's race as well as what they saw as priority issues facing the state. Interestingly, the poll pitted current Governor Blagojevich against only Judy Baar Topinka rather than using some of the additional republican candidates in the primary. Maybe these two media outlets know something the rest of us don't.

If the election were held today the respondents favor Blagojevich over Topinka 47-37 percent with education funding the highest priority and roads and bridge construction the second choice. All questions and results can be found here. Funny thing about the story which accompanies the survey is the headline which reads: Illinois poll results show voters aren't favoring Blagojevich. Maybe the results aren't completely published, but 47-37 looks like he's at least the front runner.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    A general election poll in January? No wonder the Pulitzers had to sell the paper. This has got to rank up there with the PD poll showing Blagojevich and Jim Ryan neck and neck the final weekend.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    JBT is not liked any better here in Southern Illinois than Rod. If she wins the primary then it's 4 more years of Rod.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Isn't it amazing that polls showing Topinka in the lead are considered solid gold to our Republican friends. But if the poll shows Rod winning, it's immediately slammed as being inaccurate or fixed.

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    anon 11:24: you may rememeber that the PD poll that showed Blago & Ryan in a dead heat waas the closest to the actual outcome.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    There isn't a candidate on the Republican ticket that can beat Rod. Deal with it!

    Go Steelers

  6. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Actually see this for a sampling of this firm's work (remember, the newspaper doesn't do the poll). On 11/1/02, Research 2000 gave Blago a 9 point lead over Ryan. So whoever the PD used in 2002 was more accurate than the firm they used to do this poll ...

  7. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Is this a sign of how the PD's new owners deal with politics? Designate a front-runner (Topinka) and ignore the other candidates because it saves money? You've got to wonder why they spent their cash on a poll that didn't give us some info on how the GOP primary race is shaping up. Weird stuff.

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    anon 5:10.
    Sorry, but you can't really call "closest" a poll showing the race a dead heat and allowing for Jim Ryan to possibly be ahead by a percentage point, only to have Jim Ryan lose by 7 percentage points 48 hours after it's published.
