Sunday, December 11, 2005

There's 'three' sides to every story

cross-posted on From Where I Blog


What do the Israelis and the Arabs, the environmentalists and equestrians at Shawnee National Forest and union correctional officers and officials with the Illinois Department of Corrections all have in common?


There will never, ever be peace, agreement or harmony among any of these individual groups as long as Mother Earth is spinning. In fact, after dealing with the opposing sides at Shawnee National Forest and then tackling the question of prison understaffing I think the Israelis and and Arabs have the best chance to kiss and make up.

I worked a good portion of the week putting together a two-part series about the alleged understaffing at Illinois prisons. The reason I used the word 'alleged' is because there is an ongoing argument about whether or not prisons in Illinois are short-staffed.

First, the raw numbers don't lie and they show that there certainly is understaffing. They also don't lie when looking at the fact that Illinois prisons are dramatically overcrowded (35 percent more inmates than the 27 adult facilities were designed to accomodate).

But, what exactly do those numbes mean? It all depends on who happens to be talking.

Shortly after the first story ran this morning the email messages began, apparently by administrative staff, telling me that there is no understaffing, that violent incidents are declining and that the argument by correctional officers is all smoke and mirrors in an attempt to get more people hired.

I think the comments in the story by Jeremy Johnson, a local union president at Big Muddy Correctional Center, concerning local lawmakers and the Blago administration speaks volumes.

Given, Johnson is only one individual, but he is the president of a local union with more than 300 members ... that represents 300 families ... and he feels strongly enough to say 'on-the-record' that the guv did not keep his campaign promise about 'never balancing the budget on the backs of working class people.' He also states that many elected lawmakers have not offered adequate support about the problem -- real or imagined -- of understaffing.

And the second part, featuring comments from the wife of a correctional officer, will carry similar accusations.

Is there a common ground concerning the issue/non-issue of understaffing in Illinois prisons?

After talking to numerous people this week I don't believe there is and will take that question one step further by saying that both sides can present a pretty compelling argument.

I suppose it boils down to what a wise old man once told me when he said that there are three sides to every story. When I told him I had always heard there are two sides to every story, he commented that there are two sides but somewhere between those two sides you will always find the third side which is 'the truth.'

Here's the first part of a two-part series that ran today. The second part will run on Monday.


If he walks like a candidate and talks like a candidate and looks like a candidate ... then he must be a candidate. I'm talking about Edwin Eisendrath who was in Southern Illinois during the weekend.

Eisendrath has not 'officially' announced that he will challenge Gov. Rod Blagojevich in the Democratic primary, but with nominating petitions to be filed between Dec. 12-19 its a given that it will happen.

Eisendrath made a swing through Southern Illinois on Saturday and met with Southern Illinoisan reporter Andrea Hahn. On short notice, Hahn did an excellent job putting the story together to get it in Sunday morning's paper.

It's interesting to note that Eisendrath has already garnered more than the required 5,000 signatures but said he plans to have more than 10,000 signatures when he files later this week. It's interesting to note that Eisendrath worked as a volunteer for Blago during the last election but now says, "People don't want four more years of self-promotion in the face of real challenges."

My, what a difference four years makes, huh?

I spoke with a local elected official over the weekend, a lifelong Democrat (actually a Yellow-Dog Democrat) who also volunteered for Blagojevich four years ago. He has now jumped on the Eisendrath bandwagon and has secured 10 pages of signatures on petitions. (Note: I said 'A' Yellow-Dog Democrat ... and not 'THE' Yellow-Dog Democrat that frequents this site.)

One comment Eisendrath made while in Carbondale goes hand in hand with a question I raised on this site a few days ago about Blago's overflowing campaign coffers and whether money can overcome bad poll numbers."Public trust matters a lot in politics -- and you can't buy it back," Eisendrath said referring in part to Blagojevich's $20 million re-election fund.

Here's the entire story about Eisendrath's campaign swing ... errr ... visit ... to Southern Illinois on Saturday.


  1. It seemed to me that Blagojevich depended so much on the AFSCME members Downstate that he would have given control of Corrections to the union.

    What happened?

    Who were those wardens and assistant wardens who were named shortly after he took office, if not union leaders?

  2. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Cal a lot of them were precint captains and workers in the Democratic party just like the rest of the state agencies.Some of these peolpe have no idea what to do.There is one that sits in a chair and sleeps most of the day.One underling has threaten to get a phone that will send pictures and put him on the internet

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I worked on Blagojevich's last campaign and I never once heard the name Edwin Eisendrath. I would be interested to know exactly what he did to help get the governor elected. Did he help the governor's efforts in Edwin's stronghold of the 43rd ward in hte primary? Well, Vallas won the ward with over 62%, while Blago got 27%.

    Eisendrath was with Vallas -- everybody knows it. He is, and always has been, a liar. Ask those who were part of the 43rd ward organization when he ran -- he was always out for himself. The only hack out there more pathetic than Eisendrath is Muir.

  4. Anonymous2:04 PM

    AFSCME has done pretty good under the Blagojevich administration.

    Take a look at their current contract.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    If the candidate is circulating nominating petitions himself, especially at this late date, then you know it's not really a serious, professionally run campaign. Eisendrath will just be a gadfly.

  6. Jim -

    Great piece.

    Thanks for the disclaimer. Never thought I would be 'The' Anything.

    One thing I would add -- I'm amazed at how strongly people seem to be drawn to Eisendrath, especially since we know nothing about him.

    I mean, this guy's been a candidate for at least a month, and he doesn't even have a website up telling us what his positions are on any issue. Has anyone done OR on this guy??

    Emboldened by piles of indictments and the victory of Barack Obama over the machine candidate and the millionaire, progressive Democrats might have figured it's time to throw the Insiders out. And Patrick Fitzgerald and the Chicago Tribune want to help them. A Perfect Storm, and smart Democrats will trim their sails and put that wind at their back, not sail into it.

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    People are trying to play both sides. Anyone siding with Eisendrath is making a bad mistake. I mean, even if he does run, he will lose. I am sure we can all agree on that.

    Do you really want to be known as a Democrat or worse, an elected official, who backed the sitting Governor's opponent? Talk about being on the black list.

  8. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Anon 104, the article doesn't say he worked for Blagojevich in the PRIMARY, it says he worked for Blagojevich. In case you forgot, there was also an election against Jim Ryan, in which the votes of Vallas primary supporters provided the margin of victory to Blagojevich. Without those voters, Blagojevich would have lost by 179,648 votes. Would you like them to vote again for Blagojevich? Then stop maligning them.

    BTW, I was a Blagojevich primary volunteer, but I hate the holier-than-thou attitude.

  9. I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't move this blog over to Word-Press as well. Seems some of the folks I ran off of my blog have ended up here.
