Sunday, December 11, 2005

Kathy Salvi Set To Jump into Lt. Governor Race with Oberweis?

Gubernatorial candidate Jim Oberweis and congressional candidate Kathy Salvi visit during the McHenry County Friends of NRA dinner in Union, Illinois, the first day of petition signature gathering in September.

Kathy Salvi's joining the Jim Oberweis team as running mate is what one might read into the following email request from the Oberweis campaign asking for assistance in getting signatures for Kathy Salvi for lieutenant governor.

Here’s what Oberweis’ email says:

Thank you all for your terrific work on helping me circulate petitions. We have over 15,000 signatures.

But now I must ask for your help one more time. I have been talking to Kathy Salvi about joining our ticket as my Lieutenant Governor candidate. Kathy is a candidate for U.S. Congress in Phil Crane's old district.

She would be a great Congressman, but I am asking her to consider running with me. She would be a great addition to the Republican ticket. She is smart, articulate, conservative, and pro-life. Kathy Salvi has told me she is honored and flattered and is actively considering the proposal.

So, it seems we have three tickets:

Gidwitz-Rauschenberger and

Two slates combine liberal Repubican gubernatorial candidates with conservative candidates for lieutenant governor canididates, while the third has two conservatives.

Birkett will harden Topinika's image, while Kathy Salvi will soften that of Oberweis.

The only candidate for governor without a running mate now is Bill Brady.

Rauschenberger's looking for signatures, too. See McHenry County Blog.


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Lt. Gov candidates bring NOTHING to the other part of the ticket, but they DO bring all their negatives; which automatically become the Governor candidates negatives.

    The circus continues!

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    It appears it's more than "he'd like her to consider it." He has her petitions available to download on his website. What happened to taking on Bean???????

  3. Anonymous9:43 PM

    This is a ploy by the Gidwitz-Rauschy people to muddle the picture even more for Birkett.

    OB fell for it hook, line and sinker. Birkett is biting his nails to the nub while the dumb like a fox RGiddy and Rauschy team laughs and collects signatureson petitions.

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    This just distracts from the Governor's race which should be the main and only focus.

    It's either a sign of desperation or poor campaign management.

    I'm disappointed that Oberweis got sucked into this "teaming" concept.

    Metternich said: "Between the end and the beginning, there will be chaos." So it is with the IL-GOP.

  5. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Gidwitz and Topinka as "liberals"?
    Has the far right completely lost touch with reality?

  6. Brady could choose George Ryan as a running mate. I can see the news conference now...

    "We think this brings a powerful organizational balance to the ticket.

    With his knowledge of the back rooms and my "fresh face", we can deliver a one-two punch that can't be beat.

    And if he doesn't beat his pending case, I have someone who can bring needed prison reforms from the inside."

    It makes about as much sense as all the other "tickets."


    And Howard Dean is a "moderate" to you, I presume?

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Extreme Ignorance:
    You didn't really address the question, did you?

    As I stated, a belief that Gidwitz and Topinka are "liberals" is a sign that the writer has lost touch with reality.

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I met, video taped, and photographed Kathy Salvi, Frank Coconate, and Tom Roeser on November 27, 2005 at WLS radio. Kathy Salvi struck me as someone very committed to serve in Congress. She is smart, thoughtful, and reserved. I do not see the upside of going with Oberweis. Maybe get some legal business if they lose, a dollar off a gallon of milk? I hope she does not go for it, she is talented. Patrick "Deep Water" McDonough.

  9. Skeeter,

    Nice day to you too. I did actually address the question, though the indirect and allegorical nature of my question undoubtedly escaped your capable, but less-refined, intellect.

    Let me place it before you in more direct manner. Some conservatives (I include myself) find people who are pro-choice "liberal".

    When these socially "liberal" republicans are also for spending more money, increasing taxes, and supporting the continuous drain of Illinois bloated public sector (teachers being the largest cadre) on our state, we are doubly convinced they are "liberal."

    [Note: at this time both Topinka and Gidwitz probably say they are against tax increases. ALL of us know they will pass a fake tax swap with in about 3 hours of their inauguration]

    So, yes. For us conservatives, they are "liberals." We haven't lost touch with reality. We just wish for a more conservative party - similar to the one in control of the US House, Senate and Presidency.

    I hope that clears things up for you.

    You may now proceed with your ad hominem attacks.

  10. Anonymous11:25 AM

    With Kathy in as his running mate, Obie can concentrate on the big issues -- Education, Highways, Pensions, Overborrowing -- and Kathy can run against the combine.

    Brady for Secretary of State.

    McKenna for chairholder
