Saturday, December 17, 2005

Massacre at KTRS

For anyone in Cardinal country, and that includes most of the St. Louis Metro East, this story is one for the record books.

KTRS radio in St. Louis has fired nearly all of their on air hosts. Radio listeners in this area know KTRS has been given the broadcast rights to air all Cardinal baseball games beginning next year, taking the contract away from longtime flagship, KMOX. But this latest action, being called a massacre by the Post-Dispatch, is almost beyond belief.
In the past few years KTRS has been attempting to cut into the large audience held by KMOX with little success. By acquiring the Cardinals and giving the Cardinal ownership a 50 percent stake in the station, they hope to garner more listeners. They have decided to do this by bringing in new hosts with a "shock jock" bent.
KTRS said it will bring in some new personalities, who are considered in the industry to be "shock jocks" - known for sexual references and blue humor. They work at stations around the country but will relocate to St. Louis.

Lovely. So now the Cardinals, long a revered and respected institution in St. Louis will be fitted hand and glove with blue humor and shouting. Lovely. Funny, this is a big story around here this morning, but if KTRS has anything about it on their website I sure haven't found it. Neither does KMOX. I guess news about yourself or your competition in the radio world isn't really news.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Got to pay for that new ball park.
    The Cardinals are starting to sound like government. Never enough revenue,so cut expenses.
    Now,playing second base,the former star from the bad news Bears.........
