Saturday, December 17, 2005

Major Duckworth vs Roskam, Grover Norquist, and radical Islam?

Rich Miller interviewed Major Duckworth over at CapitalFax.

I'll sure want to hear Roskam talk about Grover Norquist's links with Abdurahman Alamoudi if the primaries result in a race between him and Operation Iraqi Freedom hero Duckworth.

Rich has blogged on this before and I picked it up and added Frank Gaffney's article from Front Page.

I'd want Roskam's explaination regardless and kept the old link in my head. Reading Rich's interview with Duckworth popped it out of my cyber mind. (Blogs are such wonderful things.)

A little premature maybe but a link Roskam may want to keep in his mind too.


  1. For Roskam one possible answer would be he'll answer for his contributors when Mayor Daley, Blagojevich, and Madigan answer for theirs.

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Wow, the Rahm smear campaign has begun...I hope Roskam's ready.

  3. I don't need Rahm to tell me what to ask. If Duckworth's the candidate, the war is the issue, and yes Roskam ought be ready.

    Read Duckworth's interview in the Herald. She can say the war was a mistake and criticize the execution of it, but when she says,

    I’m joyful every time I see that the Iraqis have gone out and voted. I know that when I was lying in my hospital bed, just lying there not even able to roll over in bed and I saw the people actually voting, I thought, wow, my sacrifice was definitely for something.

    She's telling us she didn't fight awar for oil but a war for Democracy and Liberation. Roskam and everyone else needs to esplain were they're going to stand. And explain these connections Gaffney talks about in the link.

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The war is the issue? So we'll have to listen to two candidates debate what they might have done if in doesn't take real leadership to say now, after the fact, that you're against the war...especially when public opinion polls show it's popular...but as a democrat, I guess she has to take the party line that the war was a mistake...I'm sure we would get a different answer if 75% of the public was supporting the war...right Bill?

  5. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Duckworth's response to the war were well delivered...she did a good job with the talking points Rahm gave her.
