Thursday, October 15, 2009

GOP double standard for sexy photos?

This is a pic that Meghan McCain posted on her Twitpic page:


Does this look like a not-safe-for-work picture?

Don't bother clicking on the link. She removed it. The daughter of Sen. John McCain is something of a Twitter celebrity. She gets a ton of hits, writes a column for The Daily Beast and makes a lot of appearances. She's a moderate GOPer who favors gay rights.

She took a ton of complaints. Some prudes called the picture borderline porn (which it is not). It's not even non-safe-for-work, unless your boss is huge jerk. And others just accused her of being a link whore is capitalizing on her zaftig figure to create controversy.

This is what she Twittered in response:
This has been one of the hardest days of my entire life. I want to thank my amazing friends, I don't know what I would do without you!

And this is from a woman who has been hammered by the media because the media has a problem with her weight. Seriously. Naturally, her detractors are up in arms about this picture.

Screw 'em. I'm not a Republican (or even a Democrat, or a member of ANY party). And I disagree with her as much as agree. But if the youngest member of Congress can score some free publicity because of his sex appeal. then there is nothing wrong with a Meghan McCain getting some Twitter hits because of her pretty figure.

And what is the difference between Meghan's picture and this one:

schock abs

Aaron Schock (R-18th District) is lauded as the the future of the GOP. Meghan McCain is made out to be some sort of slut. Both of them need to be judged on their ideas and their accomplishments.

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