Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Township Government Newsletters Used as Campaign Tools

Somehow I found an editorial in the Quad City Times that links right to McHenry County's recently defeated Grafton Township Supervisor John Rossi's sending out a township newsletter right before the Republican primary election.

But, it's worse.

Butchie, a commenter under a Quad City Times editorial rant againt township government, wrote this,
“Taxpayers also should be aware of the blatant political mailing that the Rock Island Township Board sent out, timed to be delivered on the day before the election on Tues., Feb. 24.

“It was eight pages long, printed in two colors, and was filled with pictures of the board and its supervisor, John Brown. – who, of course, were all running for reelection. If this mailing was paid for with tax money it is unethical as well as illegal.”
Rossie sent his out about two weeks before the election.

Among other things, the editorial points out,
“Not a single township budget is viewable online in the Illinois Quad-Cities. Not one. That 1980s standard of transparency doesn’t cut it in 2009.”
The paper is talking about Rock Island County. I don't know what McHenry County Townships do.

It is illegal for legislators to send out newsletters within 45 days of an election. Sounds as if it is time for an updating of election laws with regard to township government.

Click to enlarge the newsletter.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Not just townships. Extend it to ALL local government.
