Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sen Hendon on the Guv

From today's Sun Times,
In particular, Hendon is upset that senators are being asked to impeach Blagojevich in part on policy matters on which they previously supported the governor: expanding health care for children, creating a prescription drug program for seniors and procuring flu vaccines from outside the U.S.

"Is giving health care to children an impeachable offense, or does it fall under executive privilege?" Hendon asked House prosecutor David Ellis.

Hendon said he and other Democratic senators, then under the leadership of retired Senate President Emil Jones, backed Blagojevich on those programs, even after he implemented them over the objections of the Illinois House, and that to turn against him now on those matters would be hypocritical.

"How can I kick the governor out of office over that when we supported it?" Hendon told me in an interview after the Senate adjourned for the day.
LBJ was right. The only difference between Progressives and Cannibals is Progressives eat their friends. The only real charge against the Guv is selling Obama's seat, and the powers have prevented Blagojevich from calling the other side in those negotiations from testifying.

Blagojevich has been a catastrophe for the Illinois but throwing him out without hearing from those Obama has cleared of wrong in the auction isn't going to cleanse Illinois of corruption. We'll just sink deeper in the muck. At least one West Sider is honest enough to call this out.

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