Sunday, January 25, 2009

Deconstructing the Guv and other Sunday odds and ends

Blagojevich not crazy, experts say

Docs deconstruct the Guv. I don't think the Guv the only political narcissist Illinois's produced of late. Seems like we could name a long list of 'em.
Jack Fyans, a Springfield psychologist who leans Republican, declined to talk about Blagojevich specifically, but he did allow this: “It seems like the political culture of Illinois is being at least affected, if not influenced, by a slight degree of narcissism.”

Speaking generally, Fyans said narcissists don’t care what others think.

“The sense of superiority is phenomenal, and the sense of entitlement: I am the sitting whatever and I will do what I want to do,” Fyans said. “If narcissism is what we’re talking about, that person would be predicted to never resign.”

Some Illinois GOP Senators on Blagojevich's Democrat enablers: Senate Republicans mix politics with impeachment trial
"This guy (Blagojevich) didn't just land here without any help," said state Sen. Matt Murphy of Palatine. "It's in the impeachment documents. The entire Democratic apparatus is responsible for this."
The trial is a political trial; not a criminal trial. And the politics are Democrats telling Illinois Blagojevich has been on his own the past six years. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

Supreme Court weighs appeal by Daley's former patronage chief
Sorich goes to the Supreme Court. Just what Obama and Emanuel need: more reminders Chicago Democrats run a patronage machine.
In upholding the convictions, the judges agreed that Sorich and his two co-defendants—Timothy McCarthy and Patrick Slattery—had not received bribes, kickbacks and other "personal gain" in exchange for the jobs.

And neither Congress nor the Illinois legislature had made it illegal to steer jobs to those with political connections.

But the appeals court said Sorich and his cohorts were guilty of a "massive scheme to defraud" the people of Chicago by running "an illegitimate shadow hiring scheme" out of City Hall.

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