Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Crains: All U.S. Democratic senators call on Blagojevich to resign

This rubs me the wrong way... from Crains,
A letter signed by all 50 U.S. Democratic senators Wednesday called on Gov. Rod Blagojevich to resign, stating that "under no circumstances" should he appoint someone to fill the vacant Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.
...and the Senators conclude with,
"We do not prejudge the outcome of the criminal charges against you or question your constitutional right to contest those charges," the letter continued. "But for the good of the Senate and our nation, we implore you to refrain from making an appointment to the Senate."
These folks are inviting a poke in the nose from the Gov. Democrats throughout the country have been silent for years about the Guv. Let the Illinois legislature and constitution work their ways and judge our Guv.

Update: Ray Hannia asks
I am not defending our scandal-plagued Governor, Rod Blagojevich, or his equally foul-mouthed wife. But I will defend the law. And the law is clear. Blagojevich is our governor and remains our governor until either he decides to resign or is convicted of a crime.

Illinois is not Iraq where you are guilty until proven innocent.

As US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald noted, Blagojevich is innocent until proven guilty, although I really question the timing of his announcement. Was it to really end a “political crime spree” or was it to help the Chicago Tribune.

Blagojevich’s critics, including the Ivory Tower Editorial board at the bankrupt Chicago Tribune, are arguing passionately and in press releases, speeches, public appearances, campaign fundraisers and in endless media interviews that Blagojevich “can no longer be an effective governor” so therefore he “must” resign.

Since when has Blagojevich ever been an “effective” governor? He has been stymied since day one by Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, the state’s de facto governor. When have any of his critics, especially those coveting the governor’s office, ever called Blagojevich an “effective” governor?
Read the whole thing. I don't know about the covert aid to Trib angle, but I don't think voters in Illinois think the rest of the crowd of politicans in Illinois that much better than our Gov. Let the process work it's course.

xp Bill Baar's West Side.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Since when has Blagojevich ever been an “effective” governor? He has been stymied since day one by Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, the state’s de facto governor. When have any of his critics, especially those coveting the governor’s office, ever called Blagojevich an “effective” governor
