Friday, November 14, 2008

Obama All the Time

I'm tired of it already.

Must I see President-Elect Barack Obama on the front page of my Chicago newspapers every day?

What you see are Wednesday's Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times.

Maybe the editors haven't picked up on how tired folks are of political stuff.


McHenry County Blog is a political blog.


  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    You have a point, Cal. Perhaps instead the newspapers can run a front-page map of McHenry County as a big blue blob, noting that Obama was the first Democratic Presidential candidate to carry McHenry County since... forever! (The same holds true for DuPage, Kendall and Kane Counties.)

    Cal, get used to seeing Republicans get their butts whipped, even in those counties!

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Knowing both that newspapers are in sorry financial shape and that the day-after-the-election editions sold out everywhere and are now selling for 10 times the regular rate (at the newspapers own headquarters!), then yes, I'd assume both papers are going to put the President Elect/Salesman-in-Chief on the front cover every day until he stops selling papers.

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Well, what did they do the last time a Chicagoan was elected president?

    Seriously, weak partisanship.

  4. The MSM isn't covering everything Obama. Here's Syria Comment with RE's apology to Mary Rose Oaker and the Arab American Anti Defamation League for his Dad's remarks about Arabs.
