Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Marathon Pundit at the Republican National Convention

Blogging from the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Our National Anthem has just been sung, and today's events at the Republican National Convention have begun.

I'm going to head up to my seat in about twenty minutes.

At 8:00pm Central Time I'll be calling in to Andrea Shea King's BlogTalk Radio Show. Click here to listen in.

I've seen a number of famous people, including former Illinois Governor Jim Thompson, who I didn't introduce myself to, because I've written many unkind things about "Big Jim." I was standing right next to him.

He escorted our last governor, George Ryan, to prison late last year. What a disgraceful scene: One former GOP governor taking another to the penitentiary. No wonder Illinois is a blue state now.

An Illinois blogger who I won't identify, for obvious reasons, managed to get on the main floor yesterday, where only delegates and very-select members of the media are allowed. He told me the Illinois delegation, keep in mind this is the fifth most populous state in the Union, is in the worst possible location, in the back at an angle.

Other famous folks I've encountered? Besides Fred Thompson (see previous post), I saw talk radio host Dennis Prager, former UN ambassador John R. Bolton, and Fox News contributor Mary Katherine Ham. That's just today. Yesterday former Education Secretary William Bennett was leaving an elevator while I was leaving, and I saw radio host Hugh Hewitt, and as I posted yesterday--Fox News' Megyn Kelly.

And a whole bunch of bloggers.

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