Thursday, September 11, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - September 11, 2008

DIERSEN: Reports on Wheaton's 2004 and 2005 September 11 Patriot Day events are at the end of this email.

-- Bush to mark September 11 with moment of silence - AP,bushsept091108.article
-- Politics to halt for September 11 anniversary - AP,septpol091108.article
-- Fox's Bill O'Reilly grills Obama on Bill Ayers relationship. Transcript - Lynn Sweet
-- OBAMA OVERJOYED: LYNN SWEET ARGUES THAT: "McCain wrong on Obama and sex education"
-- Lipstick flap leaves McCain sitting pretty - Lynn Sweet,CST-NWS-sweet11.article
-- McCain outrage fake, but Obama knows better It's clear he wasn't calling Palin a 'pig', but line wasn't worth it - Richard Roeper,CST-NWS-roep11.article
-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will speak Tuesday at John Marshall Law School - Stella Foster,CST-NWS-stella11.article
-- Palin cornered the market on lipstick Memo to Obama campaign: Just leave her alone for now - Mark Brown,CST-NWS-brown11.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Nasty anti-conservative Roger Ebert demonizes and denigrates Palin,091008ebertpalin.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Anti-conservative Anna Quindlen demonizes and denigrates the Republican Party, Republicans, men, etc.
(Not posted as of 9:00 AM)
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Jacob Sullum points out the damage done to the Republican Party when candidates promise to advance conservative principles when they run for office, but fail to advance those principles after they are elected,CST-EDT-sullum11.article
-- House rejects gov's ethics rewrite Backs lottery lease deal, restores budget cuts - Dave McKinney,CST-NWS-leg11web.article
-- FROM THE ARTICLE: Campaign funds: Edgar-$778,947, Philip-$710,001, Topinka-$95,412,CST-NWS-watchlist11good.article
-- More blacks get City Hall contracts - Fran Spielman,CST-FIN-contract11.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: The majority of the Naperville Sun's subscribers, advertisers, and employees are White. Nevertheless, sadly, the Naperville Sun makes it clear that it despises Whites, especially those who are older, conservative, and Republican.
(THE NASTY NAPERVILLE SUN EDITORIAL: Signs that DuPage County is becoming more diverse A couple stories from Wednesday's Sun illustrate how DuPage County is gradually becoming more diverse. It may still have one of the highest per-capita income rates in the nation, where housing is hardly affordable, and where 100 percent of the county office-holders are Republican. But there are signs of change. First is Tuesday's opening of the Sudanese Community Center in Naperville. Cofounder Gene Tenner of Lisle estimates that two-thirds of the 800 to 1,000 people who fled to the Chicago area from the genocide in Darfur are living in DuPage County. We wish the center success in serving the Sudanese community and welcome the facility to Naperville. Second is a story about funding for the DuPage County health department, which is proposed to remain flat at $48 million for 2009. Health Department Executive Director Maureen McHugh notes there are 18,000 Medicaid recipients living in DuPage, and that the county is home to more low-income residents now than it was five years ago. A chief contributing factor is the 29,523 Hispanics who have moved into the county since 2003, she said. That's a lot of change in a relatively short amount of time. How do you see the changing demographics affecting life in DuPage? Will housing become more affordable? Will taxes increase? Will a Democrat ever be elected to a county office? Have you noticed the increasing diversity, and thought about how it affects you?)

-- House votes to lease Illinois lottery to finance construction But GOP leaders question Democrats' motives - John Patterson
-- Cullerton v. Pankau: Supreme Court shoots down Cullerton's chances - Jake Griffin
-- Does Obama want to teach your kindergartner about sex? - Joseph Ryan
-- Democrat Party: A new philosophy, the same results - William R. Storino, Hainesville
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: The Daily Herald urges us to "remember" September 11. However, sadly, based on its political reporting, its lack of political reporting, and its political editorializing, the Daily Herald wants us to "remember" September 11 as a reason to vote for Obama.
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Daily Herald reports on Wheaton's Autumn Fest but fails to report that State Senator Randy Hultgren, the Milton Township Republican Central Committee, the Wheaton Women's Republican Club, and GOPUSA ILLINOIS will have booths there on Saturday, September 13, at Wheaton's beautiful Memorial Park

-- Illinois House rejects 110-3 Gov. Rod Blagojevich's ethics bill rewrite Representatives also pass proposal to lease state lottery - Ray Long and Monique Garcia,0,6943349.story
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Chapman blasts McCain and Palin concerning executive experience,0,1535244.column
-- Proposed high school for gays isn't likely to open before 2012 It would have to pass through criticism from both sides of political spectrum - Azam Ahmed,0,658117.story
-- Gov. Rod Blagojevich accuses CTA of wasting money, lying about fare increases Free rides for seniors, state subsidy cuts to blame, CTA says - Monique Garcia and Jon Hilkevitch,0,7786193.story
-- McPalin rattles Team Obama - Jonah Goldberg,0,5165066.story
-- Memo to African-Americans: Sometimes blacks are guilty - Leonard Pitts,0,5300691.story

-- Truth In Politics: Palin And Alaska's Earmarks - Mike Flannery (Includes video clip)
-- Chicagoans Weigh In On Obama-Palin 'Lipstick' Flap - Susan Carlson (Includes video clip)
-- Matt Damon: Palin's Rise Like 'Bad Disney Movie' (Includes video clip)

-- Blago Slams CTA, Accuses Board Of Dishonesty (Includes video clip)

-- VIDEO CLIP: Domestic Energy, Lower Prices Now - Peter Roskam

-- Another 9-11, another chance to unify - for a day - Editorial

-- We need to recapture unity that followed 9-11 attacks - Editorial
-- Illinois House approves override of ethics bill veto - Kevin McDermott

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Mark Kirk and Doug Whitley to speak at Lake County Republican Federation meeting this Saturday in Lake Forest,mu-countyrepub-091108-s1.article
-- Lake County: Democrat Curran crosses party lines, endorses Republican Waller - John Roszkowski,G3-sheriff-091108-s1.article

-- 11th Congressional District: Candidates battle over ads - Patrick Ferrell,4_1_JO11_11TH_S1.article

-- DeKalb: Oberweis discusses policies at town hall meeting - Liz Stoever

-- Bill to block EJ&E sale gets rolling - Guy Tridgell,091008eje.article

-- The Palin Paradigm Shift - Dan Proft

-- Legislator back from Iraq Jim Watson returns to Capitol - Ryan Keith
-- (Sangamon County Republican Party Chairman) Tony Libri to serve in Afghanistan with Guard unit - Bernard Schoenburg
-- House wraps its work up in one day Votes to lease lottery, override Blagojevich on budget, ethics - Doug Finke, Adriana Colindres, and Ryan Keith

-- House OKs landmark lease of state lottery - Kurt Erickson

-- OUTSTANDING: FROM THE ARTICLE: A 55-car Corvette caravan - one model from each year, except 1955 and 1983 - left the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Ky., on Wednesday en route to St. Louis . . . The caravan is making its way to Detroit to take part in Tuesday's 100th anniversary of General Motors.

-- Oberweis: Let’s increase our energy supply - Carrie Frillman

-- Illinois’ former Governor Jim Edgar: McCain-Palin? Yes, that’s the ticket. - Jeff Berkowitz

-- Remembering 9/11

-- Hold Their Feet to the Fire - Rosanna Pulido
-- Illinois Republican Party MIA - Lee Newcom
-- A community organizer --- "like Jesus" - Mark Rhoads
-- Roskam on energy - Fran Eaton

-- On Aborting “Defective” Children - Dennis Byrne

-- Character Counts – John and Cindy McCain Set the Standard - Charlene Kalebic
-- Public opinion and political organization - John Biver

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Someone who claims to be "Bob Nesvacil" continues to harass and libel David John Diersen - Dave Diersen

-- Transcript: Obama Sits Down With Letterman, Discusses Pigs
-- FOX News Poll: Sarah -- Just Plain Popular - Ernie Paicopolos,2933,420422,00.html

-- Jim Wallis: Obama's other minister problem - Ed Lasky

-- Obama on Wright, Ayers: ‘Guilt by Association’ - Susan Jones

-- VERY SAD: Qualifications Of A Community Organizer - Peter Dreier
-- OUTSTANDING: McCain Supporter Fred Thompson Brings Rev. Wright Back Into Campaign - John Bentley

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Tennessee Representative Steve Cohen argues that Jesus was a "community organizer." Because Democrat ''community organizers" focus on promoting dependency on government, class warfare, socialism, communism, anti-conservatism, anti-Americanism, racism, separatism, segregation, illegal immigration, more guest worker programs, more mass immigration, bilingualism, multi-lingualism, erosion of the Second Amendment, sexism, feminism, abortion, homosexual activity, etc., to argue that Jesus was a "community organizer" is to grossly insult Jesus.

-- BIDEN: "(Hillary's) easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America, and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me, but she is first-rate" and "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am" and "Let's get that straight. She's a truly close personal friend"

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: In a letter to Congressman Kirk, 75 anti-conservative women complain about Palin

-- Obama's Adler Planetarium earmarks draw fire Links seen to fundraiser Frank Clark - Jim McElhatton

-- OUTSTANDING: Jack Roeser to speak at TAPROOT breakfast meeting Saturday, September 20 - Dave Diersen
All Republicans are invited to attend TAPROOT's breakfast meeting Saturday, September 20, in the North meeting room of the Old Country Buffet at 551 E. Roosevelt Road in Lombard. The restaurant opens at 8:00 AM and the meeting starts at 8:30 AM. Attendees need to purchase a meal ticket. TAPROOT is honored that Jack Roeser will speak at the meeting. His topic will be the future of the Illinois Republican Party. The many outstanding individuals who have spoken at TAPROOT events in recent years include: Stan Austin, Bruno Behrend, Patti Bellock, Bob Biggins, Joe Birkett, Scott Bludorn, John Borling, Bill Brady, Pat Brady, Wally Brown, John Cox, Dan Cronin, John Curran, John Demling, Joe Denner, Edward Derwinski, Pat Durante, MaryAlice Erickson, Blanche Fawell, Mike Fortner, Steve Greenberg, Gwen Henry, John Kinsella, Peter LaBarbera, Chris Lauzen, Andy McKenna, Jim Nalepa, Jim Oberweis, Teri O'Brien, Sean O'Kane, Pat O'Malley, Kenneth Popejoy, Dan Proft, Mike Prueter, Rosanna Pulido, Steve Rauschenberger, Sandy Rios, Tom Roeser, Peter Roskam, Darlene Ruscitti, Jack Ryan, Richard Russo, Steve Sauerberg, Brien Sheahan, Dave Smith, Fred Spitzzeri, Rick Stock, Ray True, John Tsarpalas, Sandy Wegman, Jon Zahm, and Dan Zanoza. Phone Dave Diersen at 630-653-0462 or George Kocan at 630-393-6401 if any questions.

-- Mike Formento conducts another outstanding Milton Township Republican Central Committee monthly meeting; attendees include Bolds, Bucholz, Carlson, Connelly, Crane, Earl, Eckhoff, Edwards, Elsner, Falbo, Fawell, Flickinger, French, Grogan, Guerin, Heidorn, Henry, Jorgensen, King, Koch, McBride, McKillip, Menna, Mitroff, Muehlfelt, Murphy, Olson, Pankau, Popejoy, Ruscitti, Sanchez, Smith, Spitzzeri, Stern, Sutter, Whelan, and Zay - Dave Diersen
Milton Township Republican Central Committee (MTRCC) Chairman Mike Formento conducted another outstanding MTRCC monthly meeting Wednesday evening, September 10, at the beautiful Wheaton Bowl Banquet Hall. Attendees included Alan Bolds, Fred Bucholz, Lori Carlson, Mike Connelly, Tina Connelly, Lynn Crane, Bob Earl, Grant Eckhoff, Chris Edwards, John Elsner, Sal Falbo, Beverly and Jeff Fawell, Jim Flickinger, Dorothy French, Bob Grogan, Daniel Guerin, Chris Heidorn, Gwen Henry, Ann Jorgensen, Gary King, Georgia Koch, J.R. McBride, Brian McKillip, Ron Menna, Pam Mitroff, Gary Muehlfelt, Barb Murphy, Debra Olson, Carol Pankau, Ken Popejoy, Darlene Ruscitti, Leonard Sanchez, Ron Smith, Fred Spitzzeri, Mark Stern, Ronald Sutter, Tim Whelan, and Jim Zay.

-- SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 FLASHBACK: Wheaton: Alan Keyes' Patriot Day speech warmly received - Dave Diersen
(THE ARTICLE: Over 500 came to Wheaton's beautiful Memorial Park on Saturday, September 11, 2004, to meet Alan Keyes and to hear his remarks concerning Patriot Day and his campaign. Alan was warmly received by the crowd which gave him several standing ovations during his 20-minute speech. State Senators Kirk Dillard and Peter Roskam served as Master of Ceremonies. Senator Dillard introduced the elected officials and candidates who were on the bandshell stage with Alan while he gave his speech -- State Senator Raymond Soden, State Representative Randy Hultgren, State Representative Candidate Roger Jenisch, DuPage County Board Commissioner Debra Olson, DuPage Coroner candidate Peter Siekmann, Illinois GOP State Central Committeeman Ron Smith, Milton Township Assessor Jim Gumm, and Milton Township Trustee Don Sender. The bandshell stage is the same one that Bob Dole gave a speech from immediately after he walked in Wheaton's 1996 Independence Day Parade -- CNN broadcast that speech live. Senator Dillard recognized event attendees including DuPage County Auditor Jim Rasins, DuPage County Regional Superintendent of Schools Darlene Ruscitti, DuPage Regional School Board Trustee Tim Whelan, and District 89 School Board Trustee Howard Levine. He recognized the event's sponsors -- State Farm Insurance Agent Mark Prutzman, Oberweis Dairy, John Cox, All Star Printing, himself, Randy Hultgren, Debra Olson, Pete Siekmann, Tim Whelan, Don Sender, and Diersen Consulting. Senator Roskam gave some remarks concerning September 11 and he introduced Alan. Apparently, even though the Daily Herald, the Wheaton Leader, and the Wheaton Sun had been asked to cover the event, the only reporters who covered the event were Rich Samuels with WTTW's Chicago Tonight and Dave Diersen with Samuels and Diersen made VHS recordings of Alan's speech. Event photographers included Matt Ferguson and Don Sender. The free event provided attendees with a great opportunity to enjoy great food, to meet their neighbors, to meet their elected officials, and to meet candidates who will appear on November 2 ballots in DuPage County. On July 5 last year, 200 attended a similar event in Wheaton's Prairie Path Park, including Jack Ryan, Jim Oberweis, Andy McKenna, Chirinjeev Kathuria, and John Cox. Attendees at this year's event enjoyed hot dogs and Polish sausages personally handed out by Debbie Malek from her cart. Debbie normally locates her cart at Cross and Wesley Streets at the southeast corner of Wheaton's Adam's Park, across the street from Wheaton's Public Library. All the hot dogs and sausages were paid for by State Farm Insurance Agent Mark Prutzman. In its September 12, 2004 edition, the Daily Herald ran a major front page story on Debbie that included six pictures and quotes from Ron Smith. Attendees also enjoyed Oberweis ice cream and flavored milk personally handed out by Jim Oberweis and Sandy Rios from an Oberweis truck. Attendees enjoyed Jays potato chips provided by John Cox, salads and desserts that attendees brought to the picnic or were purchased with cash contributions, and soft drinks and ice paid for by the sponsors. Event costs included $180 for a $1 million insurance policy required for City of Wheaton and Wheaton Park District permits. The many people who helped make the event successful include Karen Diersen, Mark Prutzman, Bill Hogan, Mark Stern, and Gary Muehlfelt. Attendees included Rod McCulloch, Peter LaBarbera, Frank Penn, Richard Johns, Robert Gordon, George Kocan, Robert Sandberg, Leonard Sanchez, Lori Carlson, Richard Russo, Steve Carlson, Keith Carlson, Jason Hinkle, Mark Klage, Patrick Ryan, and Dr. Bob Krzyzewski. Alan will again be speaking in DuPage County on Friday, October 8, at 6:30 PM, at the Milton Township Republican Central Committee's Viva Oktoberfest fundraiser at the Carlisle Banquet Hall in Lombard. Tickets are $45 or $400/table of ten.)

-- SEPTEMBER 11, 2005 FLASHBACK: Nalepa gives keynote address at Wheaton's 2005 Patriot Day picnic; Birkett, Brady, Fortner, Furstenau, Hultgren, Kathuria, Oberweis, Poe, Rauschenberger, Roskam, Rutherford, Wallace, Wegman, Zaruba, and many others attend - Dave Diersen
(THE ARTICLE: Wheaton's 2005 Patriot Day picnic in Memorial Park honored the individuals who lost their lives as a result of terrorist attacks against America and showed support for America, for its war on terrorism, and for its military and law enforcement personnel. I had the honor of introducing the event's master of ceremonies -- nationally-know conservative activist, Fox News Channel contributor, and Culture Campaign President Sandy Rios. Wheaton Second Baptist Church Pastor Andre Allen gave the invocation. Korean War veteran Ron Smith led the pledge of allegiance. Harry Newman sang the National Anthem. Rios read President Bush's 2005 Patriot Day proclamation, introduced the elected officials and candidates, and thanked the event sponsors. DuPage County Board Member Bob Heap spoke about DuPage's implementation of 9/11 recommendations. 9/11 Families for a Secure America founder Peter Gadiel gave an outstanding speech about lessons learned from September 11, 2001. West Point graduate and USO board member Jim Nalepa gave an outstanding Patriot Day address. Newman concluded the program by singing "We still have heroes." Attendees enjoyed delicious Debbie Malek hot dogs and Polish sausages courtesy of State Farm Insurance Agent Mark Prutzman, delicious pork sandwiches courtesy of State Representative Ray Poe, delicious Dr. Bob Rauschenbergers courtesy of State Senator Steve Rauschenberger, delicious Jays Potato Chips courtesy of John Cox, delicious ice cream and flavored milk courtesy of Jim Oberweis, and delicious soft drinks and bottled water courtesy of Charinijeev Kathuria. All Star Printing provided event flyers and DuPage County Board Chairman Bob Schillerstrom and Kane County Recorder Sandy Wegman covered the $385 cost of event insurance. The picnic provided attendees with a great opportunity to meet and speak with veterans, law enforcement officials, fire department officials, elected officials, and candidates. Many elected officials attended including State Senators Bill Brady, Carol Pankau, Rauschenberger, Peter Roskam, and Dan Rutherford; State Representatives Randy Hultgren, Roger Jenisch, and Poe; County officials Joe Birkett, Fred Bucholz, Heap, Gwen Henry, Gary King, Debra Olson, Jim Rasins, Darlene Ruscitti, Brien Sheahan, Pete Siekmann, Penny Wegman, Sandy Wegman, Tim Whelan, Jon Zahm, and John Zaruba; Township officials Sal Falbo, Moon Kahn, Gary Muehlfelt, and Leonard Sanchez; Municipal officials Alan Bolds, Jim Carr, Liz Corry, Mike Fortner, Dick Furstenau, and Howard Levine. Many candidates attended including congressional candidate Roskam; gubernatorial candidates Birkett, Brady, Oberweis, and Rauschenberger; Lieutenant Governor candidates Kathuria, Poe, Eric Wallace, and Wegman; Secretary of State candidate Rutherford; State Senate candidates Furstenau and Hultgren; and State Representative candidate Fortner. Former DuPage County Recorder Rick Carney and Mrs. Illinois Kaili Harding and her husband who graduated from West Point and served in both Afghanistan and Iraq also attended. By tomorrow, when I know how many of each type of food and beverage was served, I'll have a better estimate of the number of the hundreds of people who attended. The many attendees included David Carlin, Dennis Driscoll, Bob Grahm, Joyce Hundhausen, Mark Klage, Jim Leahy, Bruce Mitroff, Mark Stern, Rick Veenstra, and Winston Waller. DuPage County is the second most populous county in Illinois and Wheaton is its county seat. Why didn't the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, Wheaton Leader, or the Wheaton Sun report on Wheaton's Patriot Day event? Generally, the liberal media does not report on an event unless it can use that reporting to harm conservatives, that is, harm people who support the Republican platform. The vast majority of the attendees at Wheaton's Patriot Day picnic were conservative Republicans -- why didn't more Democrats and RINOs attend? A number of Democrats told me that they would not attend because they are Democrats and because their attendance might be misinterpreted as support for President Bush. Attendance would have been even greater if fewer Democrats didn't argue that Republicans have highjacked Patriot Day to promote the Patriot Act and President Bush's policies in Iraq; if Blagojevich, Durbin, Hynes, Madigan, Obama, Quinn, or Topinka had helped sponsor event or confirmed that they would attend; if more Democrats and more RINOs shared the attitude toward patriotism and toward Patriot Day that Republicans have; if the Daily Herald had promoted the event like it promoted Naperville's event; if there were not so many other competing events; and if the temperature/humidity had been lower.)