Monday, August 18, 2008

Why Emil Stepping Down Hurts Linda Holmes

Last time Linda got a lot her money last minute from Emil, since then her fund raising has been less than stellar.

In the last period lets compare Sen. Forby, Sen. Holmes and Sen. Holmes challenger Terry Wintermute.

Forby HolmesWintermute
Total Receipts$97,863.85$40,584.21$64,585.00
Expenditures$31,514.85 $33,706.96 $15,760.66
Funds avail at
the beginning of
the period
$90,856.77 $42,916.71 $52,971.87
Funds avail
at the end of
the period
$157,205.77 $49,793.96$102,056.21

So the sitting state senator was outraised by almost 50%, spent a huge chunk of what she was able to raise and had half the cash on hand her challenger did.

Can anyone name another state senator who has a challenger that has twice the funds available at the end of the reporting period?

This is not good for Linda and digging into the numbers it looks even worse

She had $13,350 in 17 itemized individual contributions, only 2 look like they came from individuals (not companies) and both of those were from people with Springfield addresses. She had $1,425.00 in non-itemized contributions.

Wintermute had $38,425 in 75 itemized contributions with 32 different individuals or couples listed that made contributions (not companies) some folks gave more than once but I only counted them once. She had 5,570 in non-itemized contributions.

So Wintermute out raised her over 3 to 1 in individual contributions...

That can't be good for Linda either.

So lets review:

Sen. Holmes at the end of the last reporting period had a 1/3rd of what another Democratic Senator who may be a target had on hand. One who's challenger had about 13 grand on hand best I can tell.

Got out raised by her challenger, who out raised her on individual contributions by over 3 to 1.

Had less than half as much cash available as her challenger at the end of the period.



  1. Anonymous1:00 PM


    Some folks are good legislators but not good campaigners... Besides, those are June 30 numbers -- a bit stale.

    We shall see.

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I heard from an extremely reliable source that shortly after she was elected, she cheated on her husband of 25 years, that the affair was with a LOBBYIST and that now she's dating a married man. She has no class, she has no morals, she has no business being in office.

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    A GOP lobbyist, no less.
