Monday, August 18, 2008

What Does Omar López Represent?

Omar López is the Green Party candidate for Congress in the 4th Congressional District of Illinois.

López is running against incumbent Democratic Party candidate Luis Gutierrez and Republican Party candidate Daniel Cunningham, who does not yet appear to have a campaign website.

The 4th Congressional District of Illinois is located in Cook County and includes parts of Chicago as well as several other municipalities. The district is 74.5% Hispanic and split into two sections, connected by a piece of I-294.

López was recently invited to give a keynote speech at the Green Party National Convention, which was held in Chicago in 2008. Posted in two parts below is video coverage of his complete speech, in which he makes reference to Chicago politics and the role of the parties in the Hispanic community.

It is my opinion that candidates like López represent a new breed of Green Party member--a new wave of Greens reaching out more strongly than ever to minority communities. López is one significant local representation of a larger movement within the Green Party of the United States, which also includes figures such as Cynthia McKinney, Rosa Clemente, George Martin, Malik Rahim, Aaron Dixon, and many others.

*** UPDATE *** I wasn't aware of it when I published this post; but the Chicago Reader actually did a big feature story on Omar López and the "Browning of the Greens" only a few days ago. Take a look.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I am not a Green party member but I will vote for Omar Lopez.
    Luis Guttierrez is a sleazy con artist and has done nothing while in office but make money for his wife in the financial services field.

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I am also planning to cast my vote for Lopez. While I am not a Green member. Two of them will get my vote Lopez and Ante Marijan for State Representative. The rest I am open to but they haven't all won me over yet. But isn't that the whole reason for a multi-party system, to offer choices so you can choose the candidate and not just the party.

    Go Third Parties!

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I am a Green Party member but not in Omar's district. I believe he will bring honor and integrity with him to Washington. We need more men and women like Omar Lopez in the Green Party.

  4. I am a Green Party member living in the 4th CD. I am very glad Omar is running. He has experience organizing for immigrants rights and a great program for reforming immigration laws. Luis Gutierrez has a reputation which exceeds his accomplishments. He is way to ready to compromise principles. The biggest issue is Luis' support for the failed "compromise" immigration bill last year. That bill would have made life harder for a very large number of immigrants.

    We Greens have lots of qualified candidates on the ballot this year. Check the Illinois Greens website.

  5. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I will be voting republican for Dan Cunningham in this election. Luis Guttierrez is under federal investigation! Do we want him running our district? I think not! It is time for change in our community. Dan is an upstanding community member and small business owner! He is for change and will work hard to make a difference in our communities! Vote Dan Cunningham!
