Friday, August 08, 2008

Great Wall Street Journal article on Amtrak featuring Illinois' Lincoln Service

The Journal ran an excellent story on the need to invest in a significant expansion of Amtrak (too bad the federal government funds 80% of the cost of highways and 0% of the cost of rail....and too bad the proposed state capital bill has a 14:3 ratio between roads and transit/rail. No wonder we rely on our cars: the government only builds roads!)

The Journal article is worth a read and check out the video shot on the Chicago - St. Louis route the WSJ produced.

A *real* capital investment for Illinois would involve getting to a reliable and consistent 2 hour trip from Chicago to Springfield and another 90 minutes to St. Louis. That's what we need. And the capital bill, whenever it happens, should fund a big chunk of that (the feds should pick up the rest).

Ridership is skyrocketing. It's time for another expansion of Amtrak Illinois service (and time for our neighboring states to expand their service as well).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Do you have a city for the federal dollars to roads and railways statistic?

    I like this quote:

    "There's two railroads out there," Mr. Kummant said. "There's the one we run every day, and there's the one everybody imagines is out there."
