Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Pay-to-Play Bill Sent to Governor

Cross posted from ICPR's blog, The Race is On:

After a few weeks of talk and predictions, the Governor now has HB 824 on his desk. He has 60 days to take action -- until Friday, August 29. Among his options: he can sign it, he could veto it, he could amend it, or he could allow it to become law without his signature. The bill, percolating for years, finally took shape after weeks of intensive negotiations -- during which time the Governor declined to take part. Despite the bill's passage with nary a dissenting vote, any effort to change the scope of this reform is likely to kill the measure. For that reason, reformers of all stripes have called on the Governor to sign the bill as it is. We at ICPR are happy to talk with the Governor about other, broader reforms once this one is put on the books, but the Governor must demonstrate that he is sincere about enacting reform, not just talking about it. To that end, he should sign this bill as it is. To lend your voice to this discussion, why not send the Governor an e-mail?


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Why not just buy a couple of tables to his next big fund raiser. You might have a better chance then of getting it signed or at least a job.

  2. All you have to do to get a State contract is to find someone in Governor Blagojevich's "crew" that you can pay. The Sheridan Project produces products like Mr. Nicholas Sheley.

    In addition, the statement below describes Governor Blagojevich's Sheridan Project. This is the attitude and character of AFSCME Local 31 and the officials at Sheridan Correctional Center.

    Did you know that companies in the US have said they would hire a white man with a felony record and no high school education BEFORE they would hire a black man with NO criminal record and a 4-year degree?

    On July 23 at 9pm and July 24 at 9pm, CNN will premier a series, 'Black in America with Soledad O'Brien' and I personally challenge you to watch it WITH your children, especially your sons, if you have any, uninterrupted.

    The aforemention statistic and many others will be revealed during the series. A friend of mine had the privilege of meeting with Soledad O'Brien and actually SEEING this premier, and what she saw brought tears to her eyes and anguish, frustration, and a sense of helplessness to her soul.

    On July 23, 2008 the series will focus on Women and Families and July 24, 2008 is dedicated entirely to the plight of the Black Man in America. PLEASE watch and internalize what you see and hear; no matter HOW disturbing the information revealed...you can (and will) thank me later.

    Go here for more information: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2008/black.in.america/
