Tuesday, July 08, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - July 8, 2008

-- Illinois taxpayers to pay $80,000 for special session - John O'Connor
-- Gun rights group seeks apology from Oak Park administrator Barwin lashed out at Supreme Court after it struck down D.C. handgun ban - Ted Gregory
-- VERY SAD: Protesters gearing up for the political conventions Liberal activists provocatively named Re-create '68 plan to take a bipartisan approach to their demonstrations: Republicans and Democrats will be targeted - Nicholas Riccardi and P.J. Huffstutter
-- Cook County: Killing the sales tax hike - Editorial
-- "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), 71, who quit smoking in 1980, still faces some increased risk of cancer from smoking two packs a day for 25 years, studies suggest. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), 46, who says he has struggled to stay off cigarettes since quitting last year, may have less long-term risk because he smoked fewer cigarettes per day."
-- Poll: Pet owners favor McCain - AP
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Zorn reports on Obama's and McCain's positions on gay marriage
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Republicans control DuPage County, Milton Township, and Wheaton. So far, no one has complained about the conduct of the tens of thousands who watched Wheaton's annual July 4 2008 Independence Day parade. Democrats control Cook County and Chicago and Chicago's annual "Taste of Chicago" and July 3 fireworks. Gordon Soderlund of Wheaton points out how the Democrat controlled Chicago event has gone downhill big time -- "sirens screaming non-stop. . .fireworks display was delayed for nearly 30 minutes. . .four people shot, one dead. . .innumerable arrests for fights and hooliganism. . .prices are outrageously expensive. . .highest sales tax in the country. . .people who are unfamiliar with a trash can. . .vulgarity, profanity and disrespectful behavior. . .obnoxious behavior. . .dangerous environment." Those who attended the problem free Wheaton event were virtually all Republicans. Those who attended the problem plagued Chicago event were virtually all Democrats. What does that say about Republicans and their values? What does that say about Democrats and their values?

-- Impact of illegal immigration huge - Rosanna Pulido, Director, Illinois Minuteman Project, Chicago
(THE LETTER: I am responding to the letter from Rafael Rivadeneira about my report on the John McCain Hispanic reception in Chicago. Rafael readily admits to supporting comprehensive immigration reform, which American taxpayers have come to know as amnesty for illegal aliens. Mr. Rivadeneira accuses me of race-baiting rhetoric. I am not the one whose loyalty is to a group of Hispanics and those (John Mc Cain) who vow to further the Hispanic agenda. I have spoken out for jobs and justice for American citizens no matter what their ethnicity. Here in Illinois taxpayers spend $3.5 billion for services for illegal aliens while our senior citizens and our veterans are seeing their benefits decline, and I will not be silent as my fellow Americans suffer because of this for invasion. The big question, of course, is how can this guy support a politician who wants to reward illegal behavior and, in the process, make a mockery of the sacrifices Hispanics have made on "behalf of this country?" Illegal immigration is responsible for closing dozens of our hospitals, overcrowds our schools, tripling our property taxes for free services and compromising our national security during a time of war. I do have an agenda and that is this: to continue educating my fellow Americans about the devastating effects of illegal immigration and to hold the feet of politicians to the fire like John McCain who shamefully disregard their oaths of office and who is selling out our children's, senior citizens' and military veterans' futures and security to illegal foreign invaders.)
-- Taxpayers again footing the bill for special session - AP
-- 71-year-old Greenberg campaign worker Nancy Sassano dies walking Mundelein parade - Russell Lissau
-- Fence on our border works in our best interests - Cal Thomas
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Diersen has displayed an American Flag at his Wheaton home every day since September 11, 2001 and he will continue to display an American Flag at his home every day until he dies. Sadly, many, including many Democrats, many RINOs, and many Obama supporters disapprove of that.

-- Obama's speech will do what McCain can't - Lynn Sweet
(FROM THE ARTICLE: This morning, I asked Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, who is a top adviser to presumptive GOP nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), how they could top this sort of political psychological intimidation at their Minneapolis-Saint Paul convention this September. Fiorina, at a reporters’ breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, said she was not worried. I suggest she should be. “John McCain isn’t going to go into a stadium and talk to 70,000 people. You all know that. It is not his personality,” she said. “Barack Obama and John McCain are very different people. . .There is no need for John McCain to try and be more like Barack Obama. In fact, I think that would be a disastrous mistake. . .The one thing I know from my own experience in leading people, in communicating with people, is people do recognize and appreciate authenticity.”)
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Jesse Jackson Sr. blames the Founding Fathers for problems that minorities, females, and the poor have today
(FROM THE EDITORIAL: Blacks were not within the Founders' freedom circle. Women were left outside. Even whites who didn't own land were unable to vote in the beginning. Five of the first seven presidents were slave owners.)

-- Lawmakers expect special session to be short - Doug Finke

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Crain's claims to be pro-business. Obama is outrageously anti-business. So why does Crain's promote Obama?

-- Suspicion of legislators erodes our trust in government - Jerry Moore

-- VERY SAD: Area kids say it's no trouble getting access to alcohol - Erika Wurst
-- Naperville Township officials to discuss raises - Paige Winfield

-- Blago: "Nothing to fear, but the truth" - Fran Eaton
http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2008/07/blago-nothing-t.html (Includes video clip)
-- OUTSTANDING: Ozinga celebrates 4th with four local parades - Fran Eaton

-- Americans For Truth Supports American Family Association’s McDonald’s Boycott - Peter LaBarbera

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: OUTSTANDING: Katie O'Malley promotes Sauerberg
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Thankfully, the people of Illinois can embrace meaningful change in the form of a change in leadership. Dr. Steve Sauerberg is challenging Senator Durbin this November. "Dick Durbin should be ashamed of himself for putting politics ahead of our troops and their families. Imagine how the families of our soldiers must have felt when a U.S. Senator all but declared defeat as their loved ones stood in harms way. We know the surge is working and Durbin's instant declaration of it as a failure speaks volumes to his flawed judgment and commitment to victory,” Dr. Sauerberg told me from his medical office last week. Dr. Sauerberg is connected to the people in his state and sees the voters in Illinois as fellow citizens, citizens who continue to sit across from him in his medical office while he campaigns to defeat Durbin. His patients tell him of their worries, concerns and aspirations and his conversations with them provided a valuable connection to the daily life in his state. “Many of my patients come to the office feeling overwhelmed. Issues today are often complex and confusing. They are frustrated with trying to understand a ridiculously complex tax code, a series of convoluted approaches to healthcare reform, a war in which there are so many nuanced issues. And now, along comes a dramatic increase in gas prices. It can simply be overwhelming,” Dr. Sauerberg remarked. “The people of Illinois have lost faith in the career politicians, they have lost faith in our leadership in Washington, and most disturbingly they have lost faith in our political and legislative process in general. People all across our great state believe that Washington is broken, and they are right. It is time to hold the career politicians like Dick Durbin accountable for the mess in Washington.” Dr. Sauerberg offers stark contrast to Senator Durbin on a variety of issues and actually provides concrete examples of change not merely the empty platitudes and vague innuendos of the Durbin campaign. “Unlike Dick Durbin I have a plan to end our energy crisis. We can start by reducing federal gas taxes to provide immediate relief at the pump, and consider taking the cap off of the strategic oil reserve. Longer term we must expand our use of nuclear energy and expand domestic production and refinement of oil. Congress should act now to lift the ban on off-shore drilling and to begin drilling in the Alaskan tundra.” “As a family doctor I know what works in our healthcare system and I know what doesn’t. Instead of pushing for socialized medicine, I have offered a free-market based plan that will empower individuals, increase competition in the insurance market, eliminate frivolous lawsuits, and end fraud and waste in the Medicare and Medicaid system.” When Dick Durbin marches through the state of Illinois this election season beating the drums of change, one can only hope that he gets exactly what he is asking for. . .a change in his career.)

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS: Pro-illegal immigration, pro-amnesty, pro-more guest worker programs, pro-more mass immigration, pro-foreign countries, pro-foreigners, pro-exploitation of foreigners, pro-lower wages, and anti-American WSJ demonizes Americans as being "Hard-Liners"

-- Obama: A Cog in the Chicago Machine? - Seth Gitell

-- NO KIDDING: Obama's Voting Record Complicates His Shift to Political Center - Kristin Jensen

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: League of United Latin American Citizens announces its demands that McCain and Obama promise more government mandated preference for Hispanics

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: As agents of the Democrat Party regularly do, Reuters promotes Obama's strengths and promotes McCain's weaknesses, again

-- OUTSTANDING: New Missouri law goes after illegals - Chris Blank

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Who from Illinois will be attending the Democrat Party national convention in Denver? Who from Illinois will be attending the Republican Party national convention in Minneapolis St. Paul? Outrageously, the Minneapolis St. Paul Star Tribune argues that Republicans are just as likely as Democrats to buy sex toys, buy illegal drug paraphernalia, engage in homosexual activity, and hire prostitutes at their national conventions. Needless-to-say, as Larry Craig learned at the airport, you make it clear to the world that you really are not a conservative if you engage in homosexual activity.
(FROM THE ARTICLE: And can we talk for a minute about the "baddest" of the bad? "You always hear that funeral directors are the wildest conventioneers," Grant said, "because they can't cut up in their hometowns." Robert Parker, general manager of the Gay 90's, a popular gay club in Minneapolis featuring drag shows, strong drinks and lots of leather, agrees that being away from one's home turf will be a breath of fresh air for some Republicans. He predicts that many will visit his downtown location, "out of curiosity. They can let their hair down.")

-- VERY SAD: Obama hot for sodomist marriage - Les Kinsolving
(FROM THE COMMENTARY: Ladies and gentlemen, if candidate Obama endorses sodomist marriage even before he is officially nominated, what on earth could the people of the United States expect Sen. Obama to approve if he ever got elected president? Since male-to-male sex still has the highest rate of AIDS and HIV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – plus one of the highest rates of syphilis – can we expect any Obama endorsements of marriage for other sexual orientations, with no such death rates? Would Obama approve of marriage between sadists and masochists? Between humans and beasts? Will he approve of marriages which are polygamous, or polyandrous or incestuous? And if not why not, given his approval of marriage for California sodomites?)

-- 2005 poll: Moral acceptability by political party affiliation
-- Homosexual relations - 51% Democrats, 36% Republicans
-- Sex between unmarried man/woman - 63% Democrats, 52% Republicans
-- Having a baby outside of marriage - 63% Democrats, 42% Republicans
-- Abortion - 51% Democrats, 29% Republicans
-- Death penalty - 79% Republicans, 61% Democrats
-- Gambling - 70% Democrats, 60% Republicans
-- Polygamy - 7% Democrats, 4% Republicans
-- Adultery - 6% Democrats, 3% Republicans

(DIERSEN: The 49% of Democrats who oppose homosexual relations should consider becoming Republicans as well as the 37% who oppose sex between unmarried man/woman, the 37% who oppose having a baby outside of marriage, the 49% who oppose abortion, 39% who support the death penalty, the 30% who oppose gambling, 93% who oppose polygamy, and the 94% who oppose adultery.)

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: 2008 Independence Day Parade Awards: Best Political Entry: Chris Kachiroubas, Best Musical Entry: Chicago Highlanders, Best Presentation of Color and Design: Milton Township Citizens Corps