Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Winnebago County Pushes for More Gun Freedom

Channel 39, Fox TV in Rockford, has this story about a public hearing on Winnebago County Board member Randy Olson's proposal to have the county sheriff deputize citizens so they can use handguns to protect themselves.

175 people packed the Veterans Memorial Hall.

You can read details of the proposal in this article:

The television station reported that most attending favored the measure.

Since so few women stand up to be counted on their desire to be able to protect themselves from raper-muggers, one who did got interviewed.

State Rep. Dave Winters said it would send a message to Springfield.

The reporter said three out of four Winnebago County Board Democrats support the proposal.

Former Democratic Party Chairman Doug Aurand joined Olson in making the proposal.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog.

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