Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Walgreens Takes Hit from Feds in Whistleblower Suit- Costs $35 Million

Medicaid fraud.

First CVS.

Now Illinois-based Walgreens.

$35 million.

$1.25 million to the State of Illinois.

No liability admitted, of course.

Whistle blower Bernard Lisitza, a licensed pharmacist, will receive get just over $5 million.

He is the same one who blew the whistle on CVS. In that case, he (and his lawyer, Michael Behn, of Behn & Wyetzner, Chartered, in Chicago) received $4.3 million.

A press release has just arrived from the United States Attorney's Office.

Probably safe to say that the settlement is high enough to pay for the cost of Patrick Fitzgerald's office for at least a year.

This was first posted on McHenry County Blog.

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