Sunday, June 08, 2008


And the karma bus just keeps chugging along.

According to Sneed:
Sneed hears Governor Blago's top deputy gov, Sheila Nix, just quit. Is this the beginning of an office bailout now that the feds are fine-tuning their gun sights on Gov. Blago? Stay tuned.
At one time, I thought that Sheila seemed nice enough, although I have long questioned the judgment of anybody who willingly chooses to work in this Governor's inner circle.

But I have been repeatedly told that Sheila was part of the brain trust that prepped Carol Ronen for her disastrous Chicago Tonight appearance, and who helped conjure up the Governor's dimwitted and ill-received strategy to try to derail the pay-to-play ban by uttering flat out lies.

Paycheck or no paycheck, the concerted efforts of Sheila, Carol and Rebecca Rausch to aid and abet the Governor's efforts to prevent ethics and campaign finance reform by conjuring up and mindlessly parroting the party lines were inexcusable and emblematic of the legacy that will mark the Blagojevich era.

The Governor's need to surround himself with sycophants unwilling to question the misguided wisdom of his strategies, coupled with individuals all too willing to play that role, have done untold damage not just to the Administration, but more importantly, to our fine state.

While Sheila may be the latest out the door, I think that it's a safe bet that she won't be the last.

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