Sunday, June 01, 2008

Mike Tryon Tries to Boost Name Identification

I think it was Mother's Day that I first noticed that Crystal Lake's Republican State Representative Mike Tryon had billboards up.

He must be nervous.

I have never seen billboards for a candidate put up SIX months before election day.

Billboards are used primarily to boost name identification.

My guess is that a poll for Tryon indicated that he has abnormally low name identification.

The reason is probably because he never had an opponent in a Republican primary election.

This spring, Tryon's Democratic Party opponent Robert Kaempfe got more votes than Tryon, the first time that has ever happened in McHenry County.

= = = = =

The head shot is of Democratic Party candidate for state representative Robert Kaempfe. He lives in Coventry in Crystal Lake.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Did you ever consider maybe he's doing what he can to put his race away early? Hmmmmmm.....

    Of course, since he's probably not printing campaign materials in his office as might be "tradition" in McHenry County, he might have to do some other kinds of "innovative" things to raise his name ID before the heat of the campaign.
