Friday, June 06, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - June 6, 2008

-- State Convention likely to be newsworthy - Fran Eaton
(FROM THE ARTICLE: It's most interesting the IL GOP has banned press coverage of the committee meetings today because today is when the state party's direction for the next four years will be determined. Either the rank and file will come out of those meetings energized and knowing that their voices matter, or they'll be totally turned off to the process and Republican candidates in Illinois will be on their own in the fall. It's the party elite who are on the phones, manipulating the convention outcome and doing what they can to squelch an open discussion who will ultimately be responsible for the future of Illinois, as to whether we will ever have a two-party, mutually accountable and open system in this state. Right now as we learn more about what is likely to happen today in these committee meetings, the party's future for the next four years doesn't hold much promise for opening up to the rank-and-file . . . and that's terribly disheartening. Let's still hold out hope things will dramatically change today and tomorrow. Keep reading . . . At the convention committee meetings is where the IL GOP's platform will be discussed, where nominations for RNC Committeeman and Committeewoman will be held, where party faction contention could or might occur. The recommendations from these committees will be offered to the convention delegates on Saturday, most likely via voice vote, whereas the delegates' preference is determined by whomever holds the gavel. It appears that candidate for national committeeman that will emerge from the nominating committee will be Chicago attorney Patrick Brady, who works for a firm that contracts with the same law firm DuPage County Board Chairman Bob Schillerstrom and State Rep. Jim Durkin (Illinois' McCain for President chairman) work with on their "day jobs" -- Ice Miller LLP. The RNC position is important to the powers that be, enough so, that reportedly, strong arm tactics are being used to sway nominating committee members' votes in favor of Mr. Brady. Today's committee decision will be newsworthy. In addition, State Central Committeeman for the 7th CD Carol Smith Donovan is reportedly leading the numbers in her bid for RNC Committeewoman. The choice of retiring RNC Committeewoman Mary Jo Arndt, Mrs. Donovan appears to be gliding her way into the position over Tazewell County's Demetra DeMonte and Mundelein's Kathy Salvi. We'll be at the convention, getting feedback from committee members and reporting to our IR readers . . . Please say hello!)
-- Jindal in Decatur? - Fran Eaton
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: "Tyler Jones" blasts the Illinois Republican Party and its chairman Andy McKenna

-- Illinois Republican State Convention in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln - Andy McKenna
(THE POSTING: This week the Illinois Republican Party will host its 2008 Convention in Decatur. This year's convention promises to be one of lively debate, learning from the past, and focusing on bringing change for Illinois. Decatur is the ideal location to host this year’s convention, as it was the location where Abraham Lincoln launched his candidacy for President of the United States in 1860. It was at this convention in Decatur where Republican principles were on display and Lincoln went on to save our nation. Lincoln expressed values. He had ideas that weren't always popular and he challenged people to think about the kind of government they wanted. It is time for change in Illinois and it is time to challenge people in Illinois once again with the question of what kind of government they want. I want to thank the State Central Committeemen, the County Chairmen, and the Convention Committees for working with party staff to ensure that this year's convention is one that is fair and open. I am also pleased to announce that this is the first time in recent history that all 102 counties have sent delegates to a state convention. Illinois is facing a tumultuous time within its government. We have a failure of leadership in Springfield which has led to gridlock, our governor is the most investigated in Illinois history, and financially Illinois is nearing bankruptcy. The time for Republicans to stand up for change in Illinois is now and I am ready to lead that change. A state party's convention is about the future. Where does that party see itself going within the next four years, what does that party stand for? This year's convention will be no different in terms of discussing the issues facing our party. Below is a glimpse of what will be taking place at this year’s convention: 1. A full hearing and vote on Senate Bill 600 2. A roll-call vote on the recommendations from the National Committeeman/Committeewoman Committee 3. A presentation from the McCain campaign and unification of our party behind our next President, John McCain 4. Establishing our party's Pledge to the people of Illinois: a. Tax and Spending Reform b. Ethical Reforms c. Greater transparency in government d. More accountability of our elected officials, including Recall Again, I thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you in Decatur this weekend.)

-- Decatur welcomes GOP state convention, celebration of Lincoln's ties to area, party - Mike Frazier
(THE ARTICLE: DECATUR - Republican leaders from across the state will be in town today and Saturday for the state GOP convention. The convention will be held at Decatur Conference Center and Hotel and is expected to draw more than 1,000 party loyalists. While they're in town, Republican leaders also will experience the community's deep ties with Abraham Lincoln. "It's going to be a big turnout," said Jim Gresham, Macon County Republican chairman. "Every county in the state is represented this time around." Local party leaders are excited about the exposure. "For the party locally, it's a profile thing - we're alive and doing well and we're able to garner some statewide attention," Gresham said. "For the city, aside from the economic issue, it's an image thing. People can walk around and see this is a great city." It's not the first time Republicans have held a state convention in Decatur. Abraham Lincoln's ascent to the White House began in downtown Decatur about 148 years ago. Lincoln first was nominated for president at a state GOP convention held in Decatur in 1860. Party leaders backed Lincoln at the "Wigwam," a temporary wood and canvas structure in downtown Decatur that housed the state Republican convention. The Wigwam was behind what now is Busey Bank, 130 N. Water St. Lincoln was famously dubbed the "Railsplitter" at the Decatur convention. Illinois GOP Chairman Andy McKenna said the Decatur convention allows the party to return to its roots and Lincoln heritage. "We were excited from the beginning about the history," McKenna said. "Lincoln is a great example for the party, particularly in these times." Lincoln adapted to change and remained committed to core principles, McKenna said, and today's state GOP finds inspiration from Lincoln's legacy as it tackles issues such as ethics and spending reforms. Local GOP officials hope to share the community's Lincoln heritage with state Republican leaders. Lincoln's footprints are all over downtown Decatur and Macon County. GOP officials will gather this morning at the corner of Main and Main streets in downtown Decatur, commonly called Lincoln Square. Honest Abe also will be well represented at the GOP convention, Gresham said. "There will be a lot of Lincoln exposure for sure," Gresham said.)

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Daily Herald uses Cross, Dillard, Lawrence, McKenna, Rauschenberger, Reis, and Wheeler quotes to editorialize about the Illinois Republican Party and its state convention
-- Fiscal fissures within the Illinois GOP? - John Patterson
(THE ARTICLE: Looks like fissures are emerging between House and Senate Republicans, although not the extent of the chasm between House and Senate Democrats. From Ryan’s story: "It is going to be difficult to move forward," said Senate Republican leader Frank Watson. Just a few days ago, Watson’s GOP members were putting key votes on gambling expansion and a lottery lease needed to give Gov. Rod Blagojevich a $34 billion construction-spending checkbook. The conviction of Blagojevich’s friend and political fundraiser Tony Rezko for widespread financial corruption involving state investments appears to have sobered the Senate Republicans who’d recently grown chummy with the governor and Senate Democrats. But House Republican leader Tom Cross of Oswego doesn’t share the same concerns in the wake of the convictions. He told reporters . . . “I don’t know how (the verdict) plays out. I’m not going to worry about it. I will concede it is a big distraction, but we’ve got stuff to do.” By the way, the state Republican Party convention is this weekend in Decatur. That’s not ADM I smell in the air.)
-- Denny and Glenn's smooth political sailing over choppy waters - John Patterson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: One of the biggest surprises to come from the demise of a $34 billion construction-spending plan is that its co-pilots received little to no political blowback for their somewhat odd roles in promoting it. If you’d have told a Republican a year ago that former Republican U.S. House Speaker Denny Hastert would be traveling the state on behalf of Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich and telling people to give Blagojevich more money, they’d have either laughed in your face or questioned your sanity – or both. But there was Hastert recommending fellow Republicans trust Blagojevich and vote for gambling expansion and leasing out the state lottery in order to give controlling Democrats access to more money. This would be the same Hastert who, in a 2006 Oswego Ledger-Sentinel piece, criticized Blagojevich’s priorities and handling of state finances, particularly in regards to road projects. “The money for the expressway is there,” Hastert said of the Prairie Parkway project he’s fought for. “It just needs to be released by the governor and spent. The frustrating thing we have in Illinois, we brought an extraordinary amount of money back for the state, more than it’s ever had, of its share, because we were able to work the formula for ethanol and other things we didn’t get before. But because the governor spent all the trust fund money, there is no capture money, there is no anchor money.”)
-- Illinois GOP to Blagojevich: Give it all back - John Patterson
-- Budget battles could become new Illinois summer tradition - Joseph Ryan
-- Will we learn corruption's lessons this time? - Editorial
-- Lawmakers divided on trusting Blagojevich - Joseph Ryan
-- Springfield acts like it's Washington - John F. Di Leo, Palatine
-- Race tracks don't merit slot machines - John Culloton, Chicago
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Dan Linn, Executive Director, Illinois NORML, Chicago, promotes marijuana use

-- Illinois GOP to elect national convention representatives 'Change in direction' also sought at party meeting - Daniel Johnson

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Report on the McLean County Lincoln-Reagan Day dinner in Bloomington (Includes video clip)

-- Verdict shadows governor Rezko fallout is already affecting his 'bully pulpit' - David Mendell and Jeff Coen,0,3821914.story
-- Illinois GOP: Blagojevich should give back all Rezko money - AP,0,7910267.story
-- Rezko remains distraction for Blagojevich - Deanna Bellandi,0,2281389.story
-- State budget meeting produces no tangible progress - David Mendell
-- Rev. John Thomas, president of the Cleveland-based United Church of Christ: "Many candidates and public officials now find it nearly impossible to be an active member of a particular religious community, given our divisive political culture.",0,647404.story
-- Pfleger's temporary departure resonates - Margaret Ramirez and Manya A. Brachear,0,4686693.story
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Philip Hersh constructively argues that if Chicago does not get the 2016 Olympics, it will be McCain's fault,0,208276.story
-- What exactly is 'post-racial'? - Timothy J. McNulty,0,7223135.column

-- SNEED: Gov. Blagojevich, whose administration has been beset by a phalanx of federal probes, still owes the law firm of Winston & Strawn big bucks . . . Word is that the law firm's partners are none too pleased. Last January, it was reported Blago's campaign had paid the law firm $1.1 million -- but he still owed the firm $1 million. "I'm told it's now bigger than that," said a source. Quoth former Gov. Jim Thompson, a top firm honcho, when asked Thursday about the fees: "You know we can't discuss anything like that, one way or the other." The kicker: Gov. Blago's name surfaced big-time in the trial of influence peddler Tony Rezko, just convicted on federal corruption charges. The federal guns are now pointed at the temple of Gov. Blago, who was this/close to Rezko -- who will stand trial on other charges this fall. The irony: The firm picked up the tab for former Gov. George Ryan's federal corruption trial.,CST-NWS-SNEED06.article
-- McCain pins hopes on his independence - Steve Huntley,CST-EDT-hunt06.article

-- Governor’s credibility takes another hit - Editorial

-- Obama Reflects On His Meteoric Rise - Mike Flannery (Includes video clip)
-- If President, Obama Says He Wouldn't Pardon Rezko - Mike Puccinelli (Includes video clip)
-- Obama, Clinton Hold Secret Meeting (Includes video clip)

-- Obama Campaign May Be Complicated by Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfleger, Tony Rezko, and William Ayers
-- Mary Ann Ahern Talks With Sen. Obama (Includes video clip)

-- ABC7 Interview: Obama talks campaign, Kennedy - Andy Shaw (Includes video clip)
-- Could 'Rezko cloud' darken governor's future? - Charles Thomas (Includes video clip)

-- Charter school lottery an unfair gamble for parents - Collin Hitt

-- Minnesota Gov. encourages local Republicans to be optimistic - M.K. Guetersloh

-- Legislators speak in favor of Pontiac Correctional Center - Sheila Shelton

-- Spokesman for speaker defends Madigan's actions - Chuck Sweeny

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: DEMOCRATS OVERJOYED: DuPage County prosperity and DuPage County safety attracts 6,500 families that lack education and/or job skills and/or that have severe health, financial, and/or other problems,6_1_NA06_LOAVES_S1.article

-- Time for John Kass to put up or shut up on Obama: Fired up, John? Ready to go? - Jeff Berkowitz

-- Sure Osama's Pulling for Obama: But At Least America Is Safe From Terrorism--Until The Election - Daniel T. Zanoza

-- Translating the Democrats’ Homosexual ‘PRIDE Proclamation’ - Peter LaBarbera

-- Why Did Obama Pay Rezko an Extra $64,000 For That Strip of Land? - Steven Spruiell

-- Don't Count Us Out Yet - Mike Pence

-- People who might complicate Obama's campaign - Christopher Wills


-- It's Time for Another Obama Race Speech - Juan Willams

-- Obama Confronts Lieberman On McCain Advocacy, Tone, on Senate Floor - Jake Tapper
-- Verdict Brings Unwanted Friend to Obama Victory Party - Justin Rood and Avni Patel

-- Obama's ex-pastor dominated primary coverage - Brian C. Mooney
-- Lieberman goes to bat for McCain campaign - AP

-- Why Didn't More Women Vote for Hillary? - Amy Sullivan,9171,1812050,00.html

-- American Conservative Union Sues Its Own Supporters for Facebook Group - Nick O'Neill

-- Roskam votes against largest tax increase in American history