Friday, June 27, 2008

GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - June 27, 2008

-- Sen. Obama might be just Obama without law written by Sen. McCain - Andrew Malcolm
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Funny how things go around and come around. In his initial run for the U.S. Senate in 2004, this fellow Barack Obama, who we seem to be hearing a lot about these days, was one of the very first beneficiaries of the so-called millionaire’s amendment that the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Thursday. Obama’s main Democratic primary foe that year was Blair Hull, a wealthy investor who poured $28 million of his own money into the campaign. But under that same national campaign finance law, Hull’s immense personal spending on himself released Obama from the $2,100 per donor cap then in effect. And it allowed him to raise his own campaign money in increments up to $12,000 per donor. That national campaign finance law was co-written by another now familiar name, John McCain, the senator from Arizona. Now, McCain is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee who will face Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, on Nov. 4 to become president of these United States. Talk about unintended consequences. Some analysts believe that Obama might well have lost that crucial first step onto the national political stage without the financial boost he received from McCain's law allowing him to gather . . . sums in excess of that $2,100 cap. He certainly would have been unable to finance statewide television advertising. And then, talk about luck, an Illinois court also helped Obama further when it unsealed Hull’s divorce filing, allowing Chicago newspapers to report embarrassing details about the millionaire’s marriage at about the same time as the ads for this fresh Obama face began airing. But, wait! His luck wasn't over. In the ensuing general election, Obama faced Republican millionaire investor Jack Ryan. But, would you believe it, an alleged sex scandal involving his ex-wife forced him out of the race. And the Illinois GOP -- talk about desperate -- turned to that political powerhouse, Alan Keyes, who was destroyed by newcomer Obama.)
-- McCain seeks to reassure conservatives in Ohio - Peter Wallsten and Bob Drogin,1,5132660.story

-- OUTRAGEOUS: Gov says he won't stop contributions from state contractors - Andy Shaw (Includes video clip)

-- Did Rezko Witnesses Lie? Or Did Governor? New Court Documents Show Blagojevich Denied Having Conversations Described By Witnesses - Mike Flannery (Includes video clip)
-- McCain: Chicago Gun Ban Infringes On Rights Obama: 'What Works In Chicago May Not Work In Cheyenne'

-- During the 1990s, DuPage County was the face of Republican Party dominance in Illinois politics. Now, not so much. But two county officials are often mentioned as possible candidates for statewide office in 2010. State's Attorney Joe Birkett recently told the Daily Herald he's considering a run for either governor or attorney general. He narrowly lost the attorney general race to Democrat Lisa Madigan in 2002 and was the lieutenant governor nominee on the GOP ticket that lost in 2006. County board chairman Bob Schillerstrom also seems to have increasingly fancied himself a political player in recent years. Most recently he helped put votes on the mass transit bailout in exchange for getting a state-approved sales tax hike in DuPage that bailed out his budget. So here's the question: Come November 2010, do you think either Birkett or Schillerstrom will be on the statewide ballot? Feel free to elaborate. - John Patterson
-- Governor asked to raze raises before cutting other programs - John Patterson
-- Fledgling DuPage economic group needs cash - Jack Komperda

-- Illinois lawmakers: ruling to make it tougher to pass gun restrictions - Jeff Meitrodt and Rick Pearson
-- Millionaire's amendment decision won't impact Illinois much - David Mendell
-- U.S. investigators interviewed Blagojevich on 'multiple occasions,' court document says Judge in Rezko case releases filings about governor - Jeff Coen and Rick Pearson,0,1951543.story
-- VERY SAD: HITLER, STALIN, AND OTHER DICTATORS AGREE: Repeal the 2nd Amendment - Editorial
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Chicago Tribune promotes illegal immigration, amnesty, more guest worker programs, again,0,5096979.story
-- Anonymous newsmakers - Timothy McNulty,0,2237804.column
(FROM THE ARTICLE: A few readers have claimed it is hypocritical for me to support limited anonymous sourcing in reporters' articles while opposing anonymous postings on the comment boards. I see protecting those who need protection as a legitimate concern. The anonymous postings, however, allow the cowardly mob to conceal themselves as they spread hate and falsehood. Anonymity is a worldwide issue. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, visited the Tribune editorial board last week and discussed how the Internet, for all its glorious democratization, has also become a "superhighway for hate." He said Google and Yahoo and other Internet providers have not been able to find an acceptable way to reduce the widespread electronic hate speech without becoming censors. Few want regulations or legislation that endangers free speech. The ADL was instrumental in passage of an "anti-mask" law in Georgia in 1951, aimed at the Ku Klux Klan. Anonymous posting, especially the virulent ones that are racist and anti-Semitic, are, to my mind, the modern equivalent of wearing a mask. We ought not to allow it.)

-- Court blows away gun ban 5-4 VOTE Ruling D.C. law is unconstitutional triggers lawsuit challenging Chicago's curbs -- but experts doubt significant change here soon - Abdon Pallasch,CST-NWS-guns27.article
-- FRONT PAGE TOP OF FOLD WITH COLOR PHOTO OF BLAGOJEVICH: Who lied, witnesses -- or gov? REZKO TRIAL Feds reveal he denied pay-to-play remarks described by 2 in court,CST-NWS-rezko27.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: NOT SURPRISING: Deborah Douglas blasts Obama's critics,CST-EDT-douglas27.article
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: VERY SAD: Chicago Sun-Times editorializes against Second Amendment rights, again,CST-EDT-edit27a.article

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Kristen McQueary promotes Radogno,062708radogno.article

-- Choose DuPage wants more jobs for county Organization: $5.5M should be enough to push initiatives - Paige Winfield,6_1_NA27_DUPAGE_S1.article

-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: The Wheaton Sun knows full well which Republican candidates and elected officials will walk in Wheaton's 2008 Independence Day parade because its Wheaton reporter, Hank Beckman, reads the GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails every day. Outrageously, the Wheaton Sun article on the parade does not include anything about which Republican candidates and elected officials will walk in the parade. Outrageously, the article does not include anything about Republicans sponsoring the Chicago Highlanders or Cub Scout Pack 64. Outrageously, the Wheaton Sun, which acts as an agent of the Democrat Party, promotes its bias against Republicans.,6_1_NA27_WSFOURTH_S1.article

-- Election awareness, forum Saturday

-- Vote Republican - Phil Collins,5_4_WA26_LETTERS_S1.article
(THE LETTER: I heard Sen. Barack Obama say that the 2008 elections should cause change and I agree. We can change the government by electing more Republicans. Democrats control the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Illinois Senate and Illinois House. If Illinois voters want to change the government, we'll ensure that Republicans regain control of those four houses. If that happens, those politicians will decrease tax rates, decrease spending, defend us from terrorists and discourage illegal immigration.)

-- Illegal immigration: Stop the Debate, it's not welcomed - Rosanna Pulido
-- DIERSEN HEADLINE: Dave Gorak makes some additional points about illegal immigration
-- Sen. Obama Has Skillfully Played Not One, But Many Different Race Cards - Mark Rhoads

-- State GOP Convention in Decatur: Just more proof that Republicans need the power to directly elect (Part 1) - Doug Ibendahl
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Champion News has strongly supported the direct elections reform for a long time. We're talking of course about giving every Republican back the right to directly elect his or her own representative who sits on the Illinois Republican Party's senior governing board - that 19-member State Central Committee. We've made the case in favor and debunked every single one of the disingenuous talking points advanced by an old guard that is terrified at the thought of being held accountable by the Republican rank-and-file in a real election. But no written or spoken word could make a stronger case for this past-due reform than our recent State GOP Convention. Republicans who made it to Decatur were witness to the most slam-dunk case imaginable. Yes, the convention earlier this month was a divisive, rigged-up mess that did much to help guarantee disaster for many GOP candidates this fall, even the many decent ones out there. We certainly shouldn't be expecting John McCain for example to be spending any time in Illinois, other than for drop-ins to mine-out campaign cash for spending elsewhere. McCain's got to focus on states where the GOP leadership is competent and serious, especially since it's shaping-up to be another close election nationally. As long as the Illinois GOP keeps holding conventions where a few don't care how much they help the Democrats by demoralizing our own base, Republicans here shouldn't expect to be a player in a presidential election. And it really has nothing to do with native son Barack Obama being on the ballot. The same stupidity and unprofessionalism locked-up Illinois for John Kerry last time before the race had really begun. In many ways, this year's state convention was more destructive to GOP prospects than the last one in 2004 - and that one was pretty bad. And that's exactly the point. Through their actions, Andy McKenna, Jr. and his handlers did Republicans one big favor - unwittingly of course. They just reinforced everything we've been saying here at Champion News about the need for this Illinois GOP to wake-up and get serious. A lot of people got to see first hand in Decatur what happens when a handful of really bad players selfishly take advantage of a system where they feel immune from being held accountable by the Republican voters they are supposed to be serving. So we want to thank Chairman McKenna for becoming the Poster Boy for direct elections. Thank you Andy for proving our case.)
-- Effective GOP leadership still absent on Capitol Hill - John Biver
-- Champion News Talk Radio welcomes state pension fund expert Bill Zettler

-- See How the Archdiocese Cowed Pfleger? Back Bigger than Ever and on “Good Morning America!” . . . Fr, Andy Greeley Explains It All for You - Russert and Hesburgh Should Have Been Bishops. Figures.

-- What do you think the chances are that Sen. Radogno runs? What do you think the chances are of her winning the primary? - Kevin Fanning

-- Does the "O" in FOX Stand For Obama? Softball interview with Obama May Mislead Public - Daniel T. Zanoza

-- VIDEO CLIP: VERY SAD: Gay Agenda -- Shapes U.S. Politics
-- VERY SAD: Chicago Gay Pride Parade 2008 - Arlene Sawicki

-- Meet the make-believe political strategists of TV - Daniel Libit

-- Jigsaw Politics: The Congressional Hotbeds - Bob Benenson
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Illinois: The fact that favorite son Obama will be the Democrats’ presidential nominee makes Illinois (21 electoral votes) one of the safest states for his party in November’s election. Obama gives Democratic strategists hopes for a “coattails” effect in the state’s host of six competitive House races. They are playing defense in two of these contests and are staging takeover bids for four Republican-held seats in a delegation in which they currently hold a 11-8 edge. The seat most vulnerable to takeover is the Republican-held 11th District, left open by retiring seven-term GOP Rep. Jerry Weller . Already benefiting from a blue-chip recruit in Debbie Halvorson, the majority leader in the Illinois Senate, the Democrats got a gift when the original Republican nominee dropped out of the race a couple of weeks after the primaries. The Republicans since have picked Martin Ozinga, a concrete company executive, as their replacement nominee, and he could ultimately make the race more competitive, but it is currently rated by CQ Politics as Democrat Favored. The Democrats’ other major takeover bid is in the 10th District, in the northern suburbs of Chicago. GOP moderate Mark Steven Kirk , one of the few Republicans to represent a district that favored Democrat John Kerry over President Bush in 2004, is also one of the nation’s best-funded incumbents. But he faces a rematch with the Democrat, business consultant Dan Seals, who gave Kirk a tough race in his 2006 debut as a political candidate. Democrats also are staging longer shot bids against 6th District freshman Republican Rep. Peter Roskam and for the 18th District seat left open by seven-term Republican Ray LaHood. Democrats are defending the seat that scientist/businessman Bill Foster won in a stunning special election upset this March. The 14th District seat he won had been held for two decades by Republican J. Dennis Hastert, the former House Speaker, who resigned his seat last year. Foster faces a rematch with dairy company executive Jim Oberweis, who is now burdened by four losses in major electoral contests this decade. Republicans are making another run at Democratic Rep. Melissa Bean , who has won two terms in the affluent, GOP-leaning 8th District in suburban Chicago because of her business background, campaign skills and relatively centrist image. She faces a challenge from Republican businessman Steve Greenberg. Both Bean’s and Foster’s races are rated Leans Democratic.)

-- This Time the Religious Right is Right - Sandy Rios

-- Priest (PFLEGER) Who Mocked Clinton Stands By His Message - Scott Conroy

-- State Farm Sponsors Hispanic Voting Drive - Miriam Jordan
(FROM THE ARTICLE: Some conservative critics are wary of the campaign because Latinos have tended to support the Democratic Party. State Farm doesn't have a political action committee and doesn't give money to any campaigns, a spokesman said, though it is likely that executives and employees associated with the company have given to both parties' candidates.)
-- Conservative Leaders Urge McCain To Speak Out on Social Issues - Elizabeth Holmes

-- 'Vette Owners: Drive Your Corvette to Work Day is June 27
(DIERSEN: Sadly, because of the anti-conservatives at GAO's Chicago Office and their supporters, I do not have a paid job to drive to. Further, sadly, if I was still working at GAO's Chicago Office and they found out that I had driven a Corvette to work, they would say that evidenced my bad judgment, evil motives, and disrespect for their planet earth.)

-- OUTSTANDING: National Corvette Day Official! - Mike Yager
(DIERSEN: CO-SPONSORS INCLUDED: Costello, Johnson, Kirk, LaHood, Lipinski, Manzullo, Roskam, and Weller SEE:
(THE PRESS RELEASE: We very excited to announce that last night, June 25, 2008, the U.S. Congress approved the vote, presented by Congressman John Shimkus (R-IL), to declare June 30th a National Day of Recognition for Corvette! As the longest running, most widely respected production sports car in United States history, the Chevrolet Corvette is more than a material possession. It is truly a symbol of American pride. In January, Mid America Motorworks launched a grassroots movement to honor America’s True Sports Car with a National Day of Recognition. Because the Corvette first rolled off a Flint, Michigan assembly line on June 30, 1953, we asked that June 30th be declared National Corvette Day. Be sure to remember your favorite sports car this Monday!)

DIERSEN: "It's the economy, stupid." It is obvious that Democrats are driving America's economy down to elect Democrats on November 4. Needless-to-say, it is very sad that so many are going to vote for members of a political party that drives America's economy down to elect its members. Democrats believe that "the end justifies the means." Real Republicans believe in the rule of law and they advance the Republican Party platform.