Tuesday, June 03, 2008

DuPage County Board Salaries Make McHenry County's Look Low

Remember the article I worte about the pay for McHenry County Board members?

Thursday, the Chicago Tribune ran an article by Joseph Sjostrom entitled, “DuPage County Board freezes most members' salaries”

Here's the paragraph I find stunning:
“All 18 board members will make $50,079 this year. The six members elected in 2006 receive raises in 2009 and in 2010, bringing their salaries to $51,581 in 2009 and $53,645 in 2010.”
These folks have also been receiving $3,000 for being a committee chairman and $1,000 for serving as vice chairman.

Talk about being able to buy support of county board members!

That has been canceled.

Here's what Lake County Board members say they are worth.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog.

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